dinsdag 9 augustus 2022

Good evening at the 9th off August, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a warm and bright summer's day. It's promising to be a heathwave starting tomorrow. Wish me luck!


Today I had eggs left on the shelve which had to be used up. I decided to make chocolate cake with it this monday (Before grocery shopping) and purchased ingredients to do so. I didn't take it very economical, but I could use a new baking book with a great receipe in it for chocolate cake with almond flour. It worked out well and I made the day for those who attend de Boed and who had a slice. I got complimented on it all the time. I served it somewhat warm out off the oven. 

We had a slice with our afternoon coffee and I'm gratefull to myself I made something good out off the coffee moment. It's always good to do something with your hobby. Especially if you can put it to use for other people. It helped me in my mission: Help them through the crisis. As far as it seemed I made their day with it today. I can be proud off myself. I can't actually solve their issues, but I can bake them cake and make them have a good time and enjoy a slice off cake every often. I'm glad I purchased that baking book for my birthday. It's filled with usefull receipes and advices. 

I made chocolate cake, then went for afternoon coffee and it made me tired while on other days I can easily handle such happenings. Today I felt exhausted at dinner and I can't explain to you why it made me more tired than what it does usuall. I hope I'm not some kind off demon who got actually drained by acts off kindness like making people chocolate cake with their coffee. I hope it's not the start off decay after my 30th birthday. That seems a little bit early on but I'm as tired as a horse. I hope it's not the sugar from my baking. That would be a disaster- growing so tired from my own bakings. It would not help my mission to bake myself sick! 

Soon the doctor will get me a bloodtest. To see if nothing strange is happening inside me according to said test. I'm so tired, I hope I won't die from the cause. (But I promised somewhere not to build up tense by claiming to die all the time like some off my blogs might have insisted in the past. - that's downright annoying to read) I feel so incredibly tired all the time and it's not  healthy.  
I hope I will be around a long time, to bake even more stuff, and to be there for my mom. I don't care much about the rest off the world. I love having people in my surrounding who love me, but it's not as important as mom. Mom is a reason to live, so is creative baking and making people happy with it. All the other things don't matter that much to me. I don't have much reasons to live outside it. I wouldn't like it to abandon my mom on earth if I had to be transferred to the other world. I just hope General Practice can help me out for once with something. 

Despite I can be proud off myself today, I feel so tired it's hard to stand by it. I just wish I was more healthy. Life is hard when you're sick. Physically and mentally, and all the time. Not just a short period off time, but your entire life. It takes a toll. It's unfair and it hurts but I have to live with it. Despite there was cake, I'm doing bad so my cake helped me through aswell. It really was heaven in your mouth. I hope I can continue my mission, both for me and for the people at de Boed. It helps me aswell to bake them stuff. (I love baking.) 

Soon there will be a heathwave and baking stuff will have to stand still and I'm not capable to bake people stuff since I can't in hot weather. As soon as the scorching temperatures are over, it's about to start again. So today's cake was a 'the last before a tropical heathwave.' cake. 

I think this chocolate cake also lends itself perfectly for valentines' day. Just in case you are looking for that perfect treat for a loved one on the 14th off February, almost half a year after this month and I don't know why I'm looking forward to valentines' day. What are you to do with valentines' day? You might ask. You don't have a love in your life. And that's true. Still decadent chocolate bakings are a good idea on that day I think. 

It's strange how we are always looking forward to summer, but when summer's here and temperatures rise, we all complain how hot it is. I don't like summer heath. It's not my time off year to be honest. Despite to have had my birthday this season. I long for snow to fall and it to become christmas when it's this hot. Let's hope it won't be this year due to enhighered gas prices and people not being capable to pay those bills already. So let's hope it will be soaky wet rain for christmas and winter instead off snow so the ground will be hydratated again and the drought isn't such an issue anymore. Let it rain! Let it rain! But when it's this hot outside, I long for snow, and christmas, and christmas glitters. I hope I won't get sick from summer heath this year. 

Life is hard this period off time. I hope we all get out off the missery untroubled. It takes a toll from most. Let's hope it's not a too hard one. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading. 

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