woensdag 10 augustus 2022

Good evening at the 10th off August, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was bright and sunny and the first day off this heathwave. I have stood it quite well. Working in a kitchen with airconditioning and staying inside all day afterward. 


Today was for staying in a lot or I would have been burned by summer heath. I'm lucky de Boed's kitchen has airconditioning and it wasn't hot already in the morning. I have good hopes I will make it through this heathwave if I stay inside a lot amongst aircos and fans. 

Today's soup at de Boed was Creamy Mushroom. It tasted perfect and I made quite a large pot off it this morning. I think we won't get out off it tomorrow and it's a bit off a waste. We are with quite a group off eaters and I have fans among them, but I made such a large pot off fresh mushroom soup, I doubt I can get out off it entirely tomorrow. Only Leviaan people can eat with unfortunately. Otherwise I might have advertised online for people to have a bowl off fresh mushroom soup tomorrow. Making large amounts sometimes doesn't come in handy since I think it's a bit off a waste for it not to be eaten. Still- Creamy Mushroom is a queen among soups and people loved it. 

For those off you who are new to this blog: I make fresh soup every week at a community centre dedicated to mental health and I do so on a volunteer base. I keep up with it for almost two years and it's often received as great by my fellow clients and staff who works there. In September it's two years. Never waste a good crisis they say. During the Corona pandemic, when de Boed had to solve a lot off issues and worked on their new program, they asked me to make soup every Wednesday and I agreed. At least it was good for that. De Boed was allowed to be open since it's a care organisation providing daycare for mental people (I'm a mental patient myself). The world might have become mad and expensive- The mushroom soup was still good.  

De Boed still has issues. They are short on staff and a lot off things on the program have quit due to that, but my soup still continues. I wish for it to be an institute off comfort for those who need a bowl off good vibes and comfortfood and who wish for their lunch to be good at least once a week. I can do at least that for mankind. (I'm an idealist who believes in a better world) I shared my receipe with a caretaker who wished for a bowl off soup, and a mushroom soup receipe. 

I wish we could advertise for tomorrow for more people to come for soup since it's such a large pot we have left. But I'm not allowed to do so since it's for clients and staff only. 

Today was for not being tired after just a tiny thing. I could make soup and still be on my feet afterward, despite to have rested in my own home afterward. 

Tonight was for carrots on the menu. I also have dinner at de Boed and it's often potluck and accept what they serve each day. Carrots with boiled potatoes and a chicken sausage. It wasn't too bad tonight for potatoes, vegetables and meat. (Zaans geluk) They have a habbit off also serving potatoes, vegetables and meat on Sundays and then we're not so lucky. But maybe I'm a big snob for thinking that. I got myself off off bailing we don't have pastries with our morning coffee. I thought to myself: 'But it's too expensive to serve pastries each morning. They have to keep the thing affordable for everyone.' I have to deal with it just being cookies most off the time. I could live with my own advice. Sometimes I wish I was enlightned enough to be wise enough to have accepted it before. But appearently I needed to get a hold on my own spoiledness over that.  

Despite it being sober, I love having my morning coffee each morning at de Boed. Sometimes sided with reading the newspaper. The whole building reads the news from it, local and worldwide and it's not high end but still- a good source off news for easy readers. Het Noord-Hollands dagblad editie Zaanstreek. It's not high quality, but it does for a morning read. And that's the way my days go by: Medication, coffee, sometimes reading the news. I'm glad they serve coffee for free since my own coffeemaker is broken. I need a new coffeemaker. And my TV is broken, so I'm glad I can read the news each morning there. Today I haven't read the news but who knows tomorrow. It's good to keep up with the latest news about the crisis. It's good to know what situation we're in. I need a new TV and a new coffeemaker. Times are already expensive as they are. Hopefully I can find something soon. 😉   

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.  

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