donderdag 18 augustus 2022

Good afternoon at the 18th off August, 2022.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

The sky is clear and it's about to be warm again. The whole day it was cloudy and yesterday was for rain. Today the weather is changing. 


Today was for planning a trip to The Hague (Den Haag) to go shopping and have coffee. My personal care taker just told me this morning they where about to take a bloodtest- but the nurse from the bloodtest organisation (Send to me by General Practice) didn't show up. They are going to test my blood to see where my exhaustion comes from all the time. I'm difficult to prick. But you can imagine I had to sit inside de Boed all morning untill there was no longer the illusion off visiting The Hague for a bit off funshopping. 

This afternoon is for buying stuff online and having tea behind my laptop. I have to take it moderate from now on since I crossed my budget and I'm not willing to go below a certain amount off money on my pay account, so further shopping has to be awaited. I have asked for extra money for a new TV, however, since mine is broken and I need a new one. I like to keep up with the evening news every often so I like to have a TV. I can just addapt to basic channels and I have no expensive subscription to digital TV, so I have to accept I can't watch 300 channels. As long as I can watch Discovery and the news I'm fine. (And it sort off asks for Star Wars, I was complaining about not being capable to watch high definition Star Wars on my old TV- With a new one I can probably watch as crazy and loud as my heart desires.) Usually I just stick to the news. And I have a few golden oldies on my to-watch list: Breakfast at Tiffany's, Singing in the rain, and Hayao Miyazaki's work. (I own a DVD player) I got a lot off material I wish to watch. The weekend is perfect for that.  

I ordered the Wabi Sabi book I wrote about. From another author (Beth Kempton) to read their vision on the subject. I love eastern philosophies and wisdoms. The world would probably a better place if people would practice Wabi Sabi a bit more. The art off appreciating imperfection and decay. Simply because nature doesn't fit in into our modern standards off perfection, and it decays. Things never stay the same and they are likely to grow old. That's nature. It's not up to us to wish to change that or paint a coat off perfect standards over it. It simply doesn't work that way. Humans who always strife for perfection are hurt and shallow on the inside most off the time. It's a bright and brilliant concept to follow the wisdom off Wabi Sabi, and that's why I wish to read more about the subject. This week I will receive the book and I can read it this weekend. 

This afternoon is for nettle tea. It's a good idea to drink herbal, organic teas if you wish to look fresh, young and pretty and if you wish to give your organs a good cleanse. It's one off my secrets to look young and pretty: Herbal tea. It's good for you and I personally love the taste off nettle tea. It's suprisingly good. 

This week, there will be a yearly market held in Zaandijk. Some sort off yearly fair with all kinds off artistic stuff, a waffle stand and fruit boots. I allow myself to buy cherries and waffles and see if there is something nice among the stuff they sell. It's only a few streets ahead from here and it's promising to become a nice weekend: A new book and a market. And after visiting the market reading while having a waffle. Can't be too bad. The weather is changing back to cloudy at this moment. There is a heathwave promised for next week. I'm not looking forward to it. I would love the weather to rain and the country to complain about it since there is a massive drought going on and it's screaming for water. Entire Europe is suffering from drought. It would be soooo incredibly nice for it to rain. 

I wouldn't mind if this weekend at the fair there will be rain. It's not good for the stand holders, but it's good for the country. I love rain, especially in summer. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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