vrijdag 19 augustus 2022

Good evening at the 19th off August, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it was very warm outside. It was changing clouds with sunshine. I have been buisy all day and I have been sweating like an otter. 


This morning was for baking appeltaart. It's applepie but the Dutch way but fancy, with nuts on top and almond paste inside. It's made for tomorrow's coffee moment and the entire building smelled wonderfull when I made it. Speaking off making people forget the crisis. This work off love surely will make them happy for a while: 

Someone had fresh apples from her garden and asked me to bake appeltaart with it so I gave up the ingredients for this version, which I love best. I made it in de Boed's kitchen this morning. It made me happy too, I was capable to work with pretty expensive ingredients which they bought me so I could make it. Usually I don't get the chance to make such fancy bakings.  

Aside from making appeltaart, I got rid off a few empty cardboard boxes and the house has more space now. I got tired from walking all the way to the cardboard bin, and throwing away the cardboard. It feels like I got tired from doing little today. I needed a caretaker to help me with the cardboard. I'm so tired and low on energy, someone should do something about it. Someone off health supervision. I don't know if General Practice will ever find the source off my exhaustion, or that it's something from mental medication. I have been calling General Practice over nothing a few times. Them not being capable to solve my issue and I just had to await untill my body got rid off it. (They had solutions sometimes, but it's also happened sometimes I didn't get away so lucky. I think off it as something too mediocre to truly solve issues but I have to accept this General Practice) soon they will get me a bloodtest to see if I'm working on the inside and maybe there is something visible in my blood but most off the time you can't see anything about it. That sucks. I wish I had an explaination for being so incredibly tired all the time.  

Something on the inside sucks up a lot off energy. I just don't know what. 

I honestly don't know what else to write about today, 

So that's about it for now - 

Thank you for reading. 

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