vrijdag 12 augustus 2022

Good evening at the 12th off August, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today we´re in the middle off a heathwave. I´m lucky I can stand it inside my home. But it´s scorching hot outside without a cloud in sight. There is a thunderstorm promised on Monday and that's about time for it to cool down. I have to withstand this the entire weekend. 


So, today is for staying in all the time and doing little. Aside from unwrapping parcels I ordered online. Trying to decorate my home and purchasing nice items online for it gives my life somewhat off a purpose. I can't go overboard with shopping, but I purchased a large mirror and a poster off The Great Wave, a Japanese traditional art classic. I forgot material to hang my poster on the wall so I need to attempt a place where they sell said material, I'm probably going to order it among my next big order online and put it to use. It's been a good idea to purchase those items. My place could use it. (It looked a bit boring and cheap in here.) 

Next first world problem: A pile off cardboard a homeless could build a villa with. It needs to be thrown away but it's too hot for that so I await for the temperature to cool down so I can get to the thrash bin to dump it. Seriously, it's a lot. And it makes me somewhat a-social. Plundering websites in these expensive times and collecting such a pile off cardboard. That's not good for the environment and they could have made books out off those boxes. Still, I somehow need comfort shopping and solving my peronal space to give myself more fullfillment. I could have finished it all within a year and feel empty again. Just too bad. I could also see where the ship strands when I'm finished with this project and head to the next project. It's scorching hot outside. I have little other to do than being inside behind my computer all day (Post funny stuff online, shop a bit- that sort off things.). 

I don't know how people can stand these temperatures at places where it's common to be hot outside. It doesn't sound like a place for me to live. I'm glad I own a fan to cool my bedroom. 

My Nordic Ware still isn't delivered. Sometimes I suspect the post company to keep it behind from me and not deliver to me on purpose. Since they think I'm just a poor nobody and they better deliver it to some rich person who can put it better to use and who is more vulnerable and en vogue. What am I to do with Nordic Ware? Life can be unfair that way. But it's probably not the truth. (I hope it's not.) Maybe some higher hand from the post company or the iluminati is behind all this and doesn't want me to own fancy baking molds. That's probably not true. But my mind scoops it there and makes that out off them delivering late. But I paid for them and it's my right to get them delivered. (It's in the Dutch law: Once you paid for something, it's their plight to deliver and it's yours once you paid.) 

I wish to own that loaf pan so I can make TuttiFrutti cake. (I own a new baking book. It has a receipe for TuttiFrutti cake). You could serve it to them like any other cake, you could also serve it to them fancy style and molded to true beauty. Anyone who gets a slice or sees that loaf off cake will probably be made happy the entire day. (And how about them eating it?) I need it to fullfill my mission: Help people cope with the crisis and soften their day with cake and other bakings. Discussion closed, I need that loafpan just as much as some pretty edgy tut with a big house and big money on her bank account. And the XL bundt pan can make any christmas a feast. I hope I can still take it they are slow on delivering my stuff. I hope I won't be overheated or stressed due to it. It works on my nerves, though. 

I'm looking forward to Christmas, let's keep it at that. It's scorching hot outside today and it's not the most sane thought or ideal to hold on to. I'm also thinking 'Valentines' day.' when making something romantic. Half a year and two days untill Valentines' day and it's probably just as normal as any other day for me. I'm not expecting something special. But maybe I can take baking to a nice level and bake something romantic for de Boed that day. So I'm still celebrating it a bit though it's not much. I need fancy loaf pans, bundt pans and books to keep on being challenged. Just like a man who buys new gear for his cars, boats, camping or sports hobby all the time, I got a bit off an ego in baking. (I won't say 'a dick.' since I'm a woman. But you got it, probably) I also own a cookiegun (Or cookie press as how it's also called) Which still has to be put to use. I was planning on baking blue cookies with it, but given the people at de Boed are a bit short-minded and conservative when it comes to food, I better keep it at a nice cookie colour (Golden brown, preferably) I also wish to create rosettes with the cookie gun. Looking like a poof off cupcake frosting. (You can also do that with cookiedough when piped well) And it seems like they won't be distrusting such a cookie, as long as it's cookie-coloured instead off blue or purple. 

It's too hot anyway to bake but I'm fussing over it already. I promised myself the cookiegun earlier on this year for fullfilling a course in mental education. I didn't buy it back then for some reason, but now I own one. It's a year filled with buying items somehow. What a year, what a year. I hope the world makes it alive untill Christmas. I feel like baking a lot off fun things for christmas this year and I'm thinking off keeping you informed on this weblog. Like some sort off an artist, or a man with a hobby and a hurt ego, I can say: 'It's never enough.' Somehow I always wish to shoot for more and let's put those items and books to use. It's probably only going to benefit those who eat and me- since I love baking. But it's too early for christmas. Let's await the end off summer, fall and Halloween first and bake them stuff for that. (Traditionally seen, these are perfect occasions to bake.)

Allright, that's about it for now - 

Thank you for reading.      


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