dinsdag 2 april 2024

Good morning at the 2nd off April, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today was forecasted to become cloudy and cold. 


I had a morning 'cleaning the bathroom.' rush. At times, I feel the energy to get out off bed early to clean the bathroom before life takes place, around 5 AM. The rest off the day I usually don't have much time, and it's a great feeling it's done that steady that early in the morning. I cleaned the sink and the toilet. The other aspects aren't cleaned, but the most important parts are clean for this week. It's important to keep the bathroom clean each week. Now is for a rest on the couch with a cup off green tea. I came home from my parental home yesterday. 

Second day off Easter at de Boed was nothing. Due to lack off staff. Fellow clients had a hard time during Easter. I can count myself lucky my family is still alive. And dinner was cale stamp for us yesterday. Not much off a festive Easter dinner. But we are not allowed to complain. They tell us 'we should be gratefull there is food to begin with.' When someone even dares to speak up their mind. It's kinda hard. 

Maybe I should seek for something to be truly gratefull for, or happy with for today during a time where money is spare. And we better look at what we still do have, instead off looking at what we don't have in life. For now I'm glad with a clean toilet and a pot off green tea in the morning. Both are bliss on Tuesday morning, to be honest. And there will be fresh coffee at de Boed like every morning. There to be coffee every day for us is a blessing. Coffee is over- the - moon expensive for ordinairy people, but we can enjoy it at de Boed. I speak the truth when I say I'm gratefull every day for my free daily coffee with milk. That's the good things about this morning. I don't have much money, and I can't spend much anymore, but there's good in every day. Let's hope I will keep on seeing it. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.          

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