donderdag 4 april 2024

Good evening at the 4th off April, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

This morning was incredibly rain and this afternoon was changing sunshine with clouds. I caught a few sun rays on my face at coffee time. 


It counts for kitchenware, but if you don't throw books on the floor, they also live longer... I threw my beloved Soup Bible on the floor by accident.... Now it's all wrecked, loose covers, and torn through at the Morrocan Harirra page. It's terrible. I'm about to bring it to the Repair Cafe. 

This is what it looks like now. It's just too terrible. I placed it on my shelve, and then it fell off. It's a pity even more since I need it for Wednesday Soup almost each week. But next week it's going to be at the Repair Cafe, and I hope they can fix it. One off the headlines to this week came from the Soup Bible. Egg-plant soup with cheese and home made basil oil. 

And I had it being topped with rocket lettuce on top. It was very good. I made basil oil for the first time in my life, though I adjusted a ton off more garlic to the basic receipe. 

This is my take on home made basil oil. I adjusted all off it to the soup, and the result was perfect. It smelled and tasted like Italian heaven. It's just that I adjusted about 7  fat cloves off garlic instead off only one. The basic for it came from The Soup Bible. It's just that it's torn apart, and I hope they can fix it. I happen to have no money for a new one at the moment. I made the soup by taking a picture off the receipe. And reading from my phone. I hope I'm lucky there's a repair café at the first floor off de Boed every Saturday. They fix items for free, but I think it's nice and appropriate to reward them with a pack off 'gevulde koeken.' if they succeed. (Dutch stuffed cookies to side their coffee.) 

Another headline off this week is the old fashioned semolina pudding I made with my Nordic Ware pan. The Nordic Ware 6-cup Heritage bundt pan. It's extremely expensive. But I loooove Nordic Ware. And something in me wanted to have it, aside to it's brother, the normal size Heritage Bunft pan. I used berry syrup as it's sauce. Traditional Dutch Semolina pudding is eaten with berry sauce. But I just had syrup for it. 

And a nice slice off it on a perfect serving plate for pudding. I still had that in my closet. Plates can withstand times if you don't... err, well, if you don't treat them like I did with the Soup Bible. On purpose or by accident. 😉 

What am I to do if they can't fix my Soup Bible? 😢 

I take pride in varying with high-quality, outstanding soups every week. Now I have to take it a little less creative and do with what I can prepare by heart. These weeks I wanted to take more inspiration from the Soup Bible, for variation sake. But I hope people don't mind about creamy mustard soup again. And it's an expensive book. I liked I still had it after the crisis broke out. And still working out off it, despite nowadays it might have been too expensive for me to collect. I can't purchase these books so thoughtless anymore like before. To still work out off them is priceless, however. 

And it's a hardcover. You'd expect it to be capable to take a fall from a shelve. I hope the Repair Cafe can help me out with this. 😟 To be continued.... 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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