dinsdag 16 april 2024

Good evening at the 16th off April, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was mostly rainy and cold. 


I quit the deal with mom, not because I could not handle it, but because I have enough money to make it without her help. I can come round without her. I'm still thinking on moderately taking it sober, but simply not rock bottom, like first. If I use my mind, I can live comfortable. How? Since I have always lived sober, and now I have small savings. I should not cheer too early, and see what's within my range off possibilities. But I used my head, and now I'm allowed to profit from it. Even though this is a crisis, I believe I can handle it for now. Though I can not 'vreet on lobster.' like I wanted to do after the crisis, and only during Christmas. But it's comfortable enough to save myself. 

So I quit the deal with mom, and saved myself from a very sober and plain life. Like stated in her demands before she allowed me it. 

The hard and sober mindset I'm used to, saved my ass. There's nothing wrong with being Dutch during a crisis. It saves my life. And I always loved the plain old fashioned style that's in fashion nowadays. There's nothing wrong with it these days. Sometimes life seems to smile at me a bit, and these hard years seemed to have had purpose. I can deal with it, even without a man. It's even preferable without a man. 

But it's not over yet. But so far, so good. As far as that goes, I decided to complete the cooking bible series and continue cookbook collecting. Other than that, I prefer to take on it pretty normal. 'You never know what lies ahead off you.' Hasn't done wrong for me so far. 

Note: It doesn't mean I let anyone borrow, or that I will donate more than the average. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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