woensdag 10 april 2024

Good morning at the 10th off April, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

It's still dark outside, it's 05.42 AM, but it's kinda chilly this morning. 


I'm going to do one off the things I enjoy most: I'm going to visit a street market. I painted my nails black and put my hair in a ponytail, and I paid attention to my clothes. I'm wearing cute light grey boots for example. Markets are a perfect spot for food bargains. I love that. And it's crowded in a cozy way. I know what I'm going for, basic salad vegetables. Cucumber, tomatoes and lettuce. I'm going to boil eggs with it tonight and put a basic dressing over it and then I have a basic salad, but with picture perfect market vegetables. Easy as pie, but it's supposed to be delicious and remember what I said about bragging about perfect fresh vegetables in simple dishes: This is going to be an example off it. I'm a fresh food loving girl. I love the health benefits off it. You wouldn't say it since I'm obese, but that's not fair and it's medication in my case. But I love good (Real) foods with perfect health benefits. 

I would like to grow at least 90 years old. I can't explain why that is, but I have the ambition to grow perfectly old for a Dutch woman. Maybe I'm living in the wrong area, since this industrial factory place is known for it's many cancer deaths. But maybe I can escape that fate and do grow a bit old. I'm only 31. But the idea off growing very old is a dream off mine. Maybe I regret later on. 'To grow old seems wonderfull, but to be old...' like the old people say. Maybe it's because I'm surrounded by old people, in a vintage town. And I would like to become old myself. And maybe life will be good when I'm in my golden years. But that's for later on. Let's purchase some market vegetables first. 😉 

My coffee machine is pruttling, I even sprayed some rose scent behind my ears. I'm typing you this while my nailpolish dries. Maybe I'll upload a picture off my meal later on. The morning is promising today. 💖   

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading 


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