donderdag 18 april 2024

Good evening at the 18th off April, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was mostly cloudy. 


This morning was for not swimming, since I had an in between bleeding. Something that can happen to some females. I missed out on swimming, and I did not like. I love to swim every week. 

I did not miss out on the Thursday music afternoon. I love to sing along with the music care taker that comes every week to make music with us. They play guitar, and we sing along with widely known songs from printed lyrics they hand out to us. 

I think it's healthy to sing out loud every often for most people. To sing out loud is very healthy. Some people should do so more often. It can be healthy for your heart and your soul. People here sing old songs a lot. I love it. It makes people more loose when they sing more. Less tied to their obligations. It's a whole lot off fun in my opinion. 



Tonight was for 'Spaghetti Rossi.' with home made tomato sauce from fresh tomatoes from the market. It was a try out from the Pasta Bible. It was pretty healthy, and wholesome. I had an orange for dessert. When I have to prepare my own food, I prefer to eat healthy, so it seems. 

It's exhausting to prepare my own food every night. I have to get used to it again. I think I will take it easy this weekend. Not too heavy, not too difficult. Sometimes we have to take count people can't handle much, actually. Same counts for me. I can do a lot off things, and I have a lot off plans. But I have little energy due to medication. So, I have to take it easy when it's too much for me. I have to take count off my bad health and my low energy level. I don't have too much obligations, so I think it's no big deal doing so. As far as that goes, my only obligation is to keep the kitchen clean. If they don't want me to do so immediately, I can. I don't have much obligations, And still life is tiresome. But weekends don't have to be hard when it comes to food. I think I will be capable to handle it. 

 Sometimes I make it hard on myself, by wishing to keep this home tidy. I got complimented on the clean floor by a lot off people. 'The secret is to vacuum and mop every week.' I tell them. A lot off people don't mop. But it's an absolute must for a groomed floor. When it comes to that, I'm glad with my household help who reminds me every week. I mop my floor myself. While she vacuums. If this home wasn't messy, it would almost be spic and span. It's something to be proud off. Maybe I'm concealing something with this behaviour, but I think by the end off this difficult time, I can either be proud off myself, or look back a bit annoyed for me walking in line so well. For now, I think I can be proud. What am I to proove? I have no idea, but for now I just think I'm tired. Very tired from an attempts in good housekeeping. I don't know if it's for a form off pride, or just for myself. All I know is that I just try. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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