zondag 14 april 2024

Good evening at the 14th off April, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny and bright outside. A nice day in Spring. Not too hot, but nice. 💖


Today wasn't too bad. I decided to visit the give away shop every often. I'm on a tight budget these days, and second hand items from the give away shop are welcome. They're all pretty nice, and off good quality. So I think it's allright to use them. There's nothing wrong with good second hand items when you're on a budget, and especially in these expensive times, people should not feel ashamed off it. It's an outcome to me. 

Aside to the walk to the give away shop and charging my traveling card, I spend my afternoon in the sun at de Boed's terrace. With a cup off coffee. It's still free to sunbathe on days like this. I love it. The ordinairy people off old Zaandijk are as poor as the streetbricks, but we can still enjoy the sun and the surrounding and be outside in spring and summer. The surrounding is lovely. 

It's a headache to puzzle how to come round with my groceries next week, but I think that's for everyone. 😉 For ordinairy people like me, it is. I wish to cook healthy but affordable. It's puzzling. 

The outcome off tonight for dinner was fried egg with tomato on toasted brown bread with ham. 

I heard in egg there is all nutritions we need and three off them a day is a healthy choice. Covered with tomatoes, this is healthy. I think I'm fine eating this. 

For now, I'm at my couch with a pot off green tea. Maybe I should skip to redbush tea if that's more affordable. It's healthy, too if it's true. Especially if I'm so thirsty for (healthy) tea. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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