maandag 1 april 2024

Good morning at the 1st off April, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

This morning it's cloudy and rainy. 


This morning after medication is the third time this weekend I overpainted my nails with 577 Cream Supreme by IsaDora. I let them dry while typing a blog. I learned to let your nails dry by typing, (A blog for example) is the best way to let them dry in a way that's not boring. My hands and nails looked tidy and will look tidy this evening during the second day off Easter meal at de Boed. Though Cream Supreme is not an Easter colour, but it's a cool 90's nude. It can pass for today. 😁 It's super cool for my hands to look this lady-like this Easter. 

Today is April fool's day, and second day off Easter in the Netherlands. Who are you gonna prank by letting them sit on an Easter egg? 😉 I myself will probably behave myself. This weekend at mom's felt like an Easter vacation. I feel like to have come to rest here. I made a few walks around  the surrounding and watched some sweet movies with mom. And her company felt great. 

On Friday I visited grandma, and gave her a large box off chocolates. Zaandijk has one pittoresque chocolate shop, run by a hobbyist who made her dream come to live and who makes hand made chocolates. She's perfect at it and my family loves them. They're the perfect gifts. It's just that she's going to retire next year (2025) in June. Her chocolates are my mom's favourite. But she doesn't has a successor, and the shop will be closed by then. But she makes the best chocolates. 

Back on main topic, grandma enjoyed my visit. I don't visit weekly, but when I attempt at mom, I visit her. (They live in the same place.) It's important and good to do nice things for your grandparents when they are still alive. I started to feel like that about it at some point, and now I try to do nice things for her more often. I send sweet postcards, and I visit more. She appreciates that. 

This afternoon, I will head back to Zaandijk. Easter wasn't so bad. It was cozy and nice. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 




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