zaterdag 30 maart 2024

Good afternoon at the 30th off March, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

This day it's rainy. 


I'm thinking off inventing something I would call 'A farmstyle muffin.' But I don't live at a farm, and the concept is not necessairily farmstyle. It comes down to a Dutch style muffin with brown sugar, cinnamon, apple, nuts and raisins in it. 'de boeren muffin.' Maybe a real boeren muffin would be more off an ordinairy muffin with no additions, but that's a bit plain in my opinion. And it needs a cute wrapper. A plain white one, or one with cute pink or purple farmstyle checkers. Or pink or purple with white dots. Mom doesn't allow me to bake from her extra money. And nuts are expensive. Maybe I'm about to let the foodprocessor chop them before they get in. And it needs a big muffin- cake poof on top. It's not a fancy cupcake, but I think let's top it with chunks off apple, nuts and raisins. Maybe some honey adjusted to it, and nutmeg. But then you got a fancy apple muffin. So where does the 'farmstyle.' - which can be seen as either offensive or very cool in the Netherlands- come from? We don't want to offend anyone, so let's call it a fancy apple muffin. As far as someone hasn't invented that yet. 'Gewoon een boeren muffin.' doesn't hit the nail on the head. I have no money for it so far, so I can think it out for a while. 

I learned the diffrence between American muffins and Dutch muffins, is that Dutch muffins are more cake-like, while American muffins are more bread-like. So my apple muffin is going to taste like fancy apple cake. Should I make them square? Maybe that's a nice idea for when it's all invented. Square Dutch apple muffins? But now I got an invention! I can't claim it yet. But it's in my mind for now. And the amount off ingredients has to be enough for about 25 to 30 people in my case. Maybe I'm even stealing someone's idea. It's something I think someone has thought out already. But I can't afford. So let it stay in the world off ideas for now. Maybe later on I will give it wings. 

Just like pistachio's: For now it's NOT a possibillity. 

Next week is for fresh soup- making. I have to keep it at that. And my hair is still washed. I can still drink tea and this weekend, my family has Easter pastries with it. And I'm one hell off full with laundry wash boxes. I'm not out off it soon. Let's keep on seeing the positive. And my hands are tidy, with cheap materials I didn't have to owe up much for. Let's keep to my late dad's advice: 'don't act spoiled, and don't walk beside your shoes.' It's golden these days. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 



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