dinsdag 5 maart 2024

Good evening at the 5th off March, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was gloomy, dreary and rainy. 


I feel wobbly and out off balance. I'm not doing well in my head. Today I had spring vibes on a rainy day, and had put on a pink t-shirt while it was rainy and dark outside. I had not checked the weather for today. I better don't do that again. It made all leppards in my head go crazy. No, I'm serious. I feel bad this week. I know there are tons off people out there who say I should not mind about the weather if I want to dress in pink, but maybe that's what made me feel out off tune today. Though I have been complaining about doing bad ever since Sunday. I have the luck to live here. Compared to other people, I'm death lucky with my home and health care. I'm clean washed, fed and my hair is cut for a bargain. I got that cool shoulder length haircut that's in fashion due to this care home. Though I combine it with thick glasses I have to wear. But still, the glamour 😉 

No, serious, if I fall death this evening, that'd be a waste off materials and bargains. I better live to tell the tale off this crisis. If I maintain, I'm certain I will outlive this crisis and war. But sometimes care takers can't say it better: 'If you go, you go.' And that's about death. If I gotta go, I gotta go. But I don't want to. I want to proudly tell the tale later on. I don't know who will listen if I don't have grandchildren. Local TV or the newspaper probably. They have short documentairies about old people who outlived WWII in it sometimes. Maybe I will end up like that with my tale later on. Let's be positive, maybe some day someone has something about my tale. Maybe inspiration to continue during hard times. But it matters if I outlive these times or not if I want it to be like that. I'm a bit cranky and sarcastic due to the feeling in my head this evening. 

Still, the home is fresh and clean, and my bed is fresh and clean today. Plus clean pyjama's. My endless fight to stay fresh seems to be won for today by me. I don't wear fancy clothing, but I try to ensure it's fresh and clean. It's such a good thing, especially during these times, to make sure you're at least clean. So you can use it as a statement. 'No matter what they say about me being cheap, at least I'm always clean!' Or in that fashion. I think that's a good thing for us (My generation, younger people and simply the poor) to keep some dignity in it despite it has to be so cheap. It's a little less bad if you keep clean. 

It's also been my New Year's resolution for this year: To keep myself and the home clean. And so far it works. It goes better than a diet. I do smuggle, to be honest, but in general? Not that bad! It's something to be proud off in these lethal times. I must admit that it's with help. It's not just me who does it. Health care helps with a lot. But I do my parts and adjust to it. It's clean without it not being cozy. It's a perfect home for these days. What's also a part off it, is that it's a good mind set-off off things. To keep buisy with cleaning gives something on hands, and we can be proud off ourselves we do so. It's my way off dealing with the war to keep this home (almost) tidy. It's not perfect, but I feel it counts. 

It's my advice to anyone who wishes to have something on hands to keep dignity, their minds set off and something worthit and usefull to be proud off during these hard times: Good house cleaning. Keep your place tidy and clean, and you will have something good for yourself to look back on. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.              

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