zaterdag 2 maart 2024

Good evening at the 2nd off March, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny and bright for a pre-spring day. 


This afternoon was for baking a messy appeltaart. It's not tidy, like it's supposed to be, with fancy checkers, but it's my style, which is more off a crumble version. 😏

It comes down to crumbly applepie with a crunchy crust, cookie spices (From supermarket.) And raisins. And because I felt I had to, custard powder. I hope my fellow clients at de Boed will like it. I think I have adjusted a little too much sugar to the apple filling, I hope it's no issue. It's for tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon coffee.  

I simply did not feel like taking more effort to it than this. I could not set myself to it. Somehow I feel a depression coming up where I can't set myself to things. Like taking notes to the client council, doing dishes after dinner and making work off my appearance more than getting dressed. To work is out off the question when I feel like that. Simply to sit in the sun and just be is all I can when I feel that way. Not too much in the sun, since I feel I can get sunburned with my sensitive, pale skin. But a little sunshine in the morning with my coffee, and then work off my scheldue, but people should not require things from me when I feel like that, even though I felt the energy for fresh soup making again, which was lost for almost a year. 

I've read somewhere Dragons (Chinese zodiac) prefer it simple in life when it comes to style. The female dragons I've met don't fit into that profile. I think their style is cool and groomed, maybe not soft and feminine and fluffy, but still dressed up. It's usually cool and most off the time I can't help but saying I love them. It's nothing less than love with dragons. I can't use 'year off the dragon, they like to keep it simple.' As an excuse. The female dragons I've met prefer cool over soft. 'Oh, you're so cool, but I can't help thinking off you as very sweet. I just loooove you!' But that's my personal opinion on them. But I got an astrology book which says dragons like to keep it simple when it comes to style. But I can't shove this simple appeltaart off to that. Simple but tasty and delicious. I can't shove a depression where I like to keep it simple off to that, dragon is known as a sign off energy and positivity, and it's a match with the monkey. The dragon is probably not the cause.

Despite the Chinese zodiac speaking for me, I can't help thinking off the world as cruel and unkind. I can't help it. It's something I caught up with. I slack the energy again. Spring is around the corner, and so is easter. It should cheer me up. There's daffodils out already at the Gortershof garden. During spring time, this place is covered in daffodils siding the streets. It's such a lovely sight, But I can't help it. I slack the energy and the will-power to be off use and to work with. I can't help it, I feel this small dip coming up. I believe I do harm to nobody with it. I'm just annoying. And this feeling is in the way. What works with, is the light. Light in the morning and later in the evening work positive on me, despite the daffodils not having much off an effect on me. Sometimes I wonder, this place is pretty old. Did they already plant those flower bulbs in the 1950's? They still blow in spring time. Like every year. I think they're older than me somehow. But I think I won't see an answer to that. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.      

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