zondag 10 maart 2024

Good afternoon at the 10th off March, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Today it's cold and cloudy in the Netherlands. 


This morning was for finally having my friend, the retired old zookeeper over for coffee. It was nice chit-chatting, and he is getting better from to have had bad health. Before, I didn't have the opportunity for coffee with him. He liked my Easter branch. 

I could start a statement on how having neighbours over for coffee and letting them admire your Easter decorations is also off importance for warfare. It's important to do so and still have these sorts off visits. What does it make it important for warfare? I think it is, but I just can't explain. I think it's the status that comes off from it. Some sort off 'Look what we still got.' To the Russians. I don't know how to put this, but is it truly usefull? Well, my neighbour had a good time. Liking an Easter branch, complimenting me on my good taste off living, and conversating with me about life.  The good energy off friendship that goes beyond borders off age. That makes it also important to me. What we do won't cause peace. It's just been coffee in a nice home among friends. 

So how is this well put togheter home, aside to having coffee and admiring an Easter branch off true importance for a war? It's how a British home maker from WWII would have done it in her days. 'As if nothing is going on.' ? No, it's a statement that life is still good in here. And they haven't taken that away from us yet. It's not perfect to live here. But even during a war, it stands firm. It's something to be proud off. And my pride is displayed in this small yet cozy home. It's even a bit decadent. (For a small care home.) If this was anything bigger than this flat, I could not have put up with it. I don't know if it truly helps waging this war this way. Maybe I'm just silly, and should not even do an attempt in showing off pride. But to me personal, it's better than dwelling in dirt, feeling sad all the time. I have no clue if it's good or bad, but at least I did an attempt to do something. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.     

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