zaterdag 2 maart 2024

Good evening at the 2nd off March, 2024, 3.

 Good evening everyone, 

I have no news about the weather so far, but it's dark and the day has ended. 


I think it's urgent to point at you we should not be optimistic about the current economy, and neither for the upcoming two years. It's a lie to try to be too positive and try to give it an optimistic, positive twist, no matter how hard we crave one. So all the luxurious fashion trends? Unapropriate! Especially for the common, normal households who suffer from this. We are seeing a change in fashion trends, from natural and cheap to too luxurious because 'we crave it.' 

Really, it's despicaple. People should not go overboard with luxury and trends this year. There is NO MONEY for that, we can barely get OUR BASICS covered. An attempt to luxury and going overboard with it is perverted and STUPID. DON'T! Don't go after those big sunglases and fur coats! it's simply not there yet. Keep your feet on the ground. We are probably doing worse than what we know so far. Keep it sane with money! 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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