vrijdag 8 maart 2024

Good afternoon at the 8th off March, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

Just like expected- this day is sunny yet cold. 


This day I have a day off. I decided to kick my own ass, and purchase an Easter branch and decorate, and place some other Easter decorations inside my home. 

I had purchased some new Easter branch pendants some weeks ago. It would have been a waste not to use them. Decorating my branch cheered me up today. Depression did not win, and this branch makes me more happy the upcoming weeks, and decorating for Easter is a feminin way off waging this war. They can't neck us in our pride, and our cozy and tidy homes. Mr. and Mrs. Easter rabbit are from previous year, but timeless decorations and still nice. 

Why is placing Easter decoration a way off waging war? Well, I think it's showing the world how everything is still fine over here. It's a feminin and sophisticated way off showing off, but I think I'm not doing too much, since that would be innapropriate. Though it's more than it was before the war in my case. I'm trying to wage this war like a WWII British home maker. (Housewife would make me somebody's wife, which I'm not.) Clean home, old style furniture, nice decorations for Easter are part off it. I honestly think it can bind a man. If I was more than I am today. But still, I do my best in being a good home maker. I hope it will make me feel proud when this war is done. Though I haven't raised kids, a man or even a cat with it. Maybe that's also why placing Easter decorations these days is a good idea: It hopefully makes me feel proud when I look back on it. At least I hope so. And I should be proud I haven't let the leppards and the depression win. Easter decorations these years? It's a good thing! 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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