zaterdag 2 maart 2024

Good evening at the 2nd off March, 2024, 2.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been perfectly sunny for a day at the beginning off March. 


I have an issue, it's not the end off the world, but I'm no longer capable to give away laundry wash and shower stuff from multipack parcels. Simply because I decided to use it up myself first. It's become expensive on the internet, so the fellow residents to this small flat building have no luck with it anymore. I have donated a lot previous year. But I have to put myself first. I'm clean and washed these days, due to my habit to hoard those bargains. I think this year Santa Claus won't excist for them anymore. But it's a massive crisis. I hope they understand. 

I have been probably the only one donating. I don't see anything in the give away closet down the hall anymore. But I'm washed and clean due to my stock off shower and laundry products. It's all A-brands, in a county place like Zaanstad, where the economy is on it's flat ass, and people are as poor as the streetbricks, that's not too bad. Nowadays I'm only likely to purchase again when something is truly needed. Not because 'It's a nice bargain, oh look!' I have to draw the line there these days. 

It's first world problems, but the brand off laundry wash came out with new scents I can't try. But I can still wash with them. And soften my laundry with them. I just can't donate bottles off it anymore down the hall. Luckily, no one off my neighbours knew I was the person donating that. I hope they did not steadily expect that from me somehow. They have to purchase their own goods these days. I could also put it rude: 'Mock off, you profiteers! It's about time for you to purchase your own laundry softner!!!' But I'm not like that. I'm not rude, they just have to do without my donations nowadays. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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