vrijdag 1 maart 2024

Good evening at the 1st off March, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

This morning started off sunny and I have been enjoying coffee at de Boed's backyard terrace this morning. Starting this afternoon, it's become dreary and rainy and gloomy again. 


So, today was for simply enjoying my coffee in the morning sun and having a small walk around the block. I have nothing to do on Friday and I wanted to keep it calm and simple today. I have been loudly discussing something with myself. A little too loud for the surrounding, probably. Namely, what treat to do for my birthday. My birthday is at the 5th off August, but I wanted to think ahead to it. 

I came to the conclusion off home made lemon cakes. Before the crisis, they might have been a bit too shabby, but three well-made yoghurt lemon cakes (Maybe with a bit off lime adjusted to it.) Are nowadays a luxury and I personally think they're perfectly tasty. I think it's nothing too shabby and perfect for a humble 32th birthday. Especially during this crisis. Before this crisis, I think they might have appeared a bit cheap, but nowadays I think nobody should complain and they're off my personal taste that good. I really love them. To discuss that out loud during a walk around the local duck pond might not have been the best idea, but nobody came after me. It comes with my handicap to talk to myself out loud in public and I can't help it. Sometimes I even sound a bit violent. Conclusion to the discusion: Home made lemon-lime cakes are perfect for the occasion, and they're not too shabby during this era. 

It's perfect weather for a cup off tea and some further mumbling on the couch. It's rainy outside this evening. Maybe you remember how I used to brag to sit in the sun with my morning coffee is my biggest luxury. And that still counts. When the sun isn't that warm, early in the year, it's priceless to be out. I think it's a hint for everyone, also during this era: Take a seat outside and have a hot drink in the morning when the sun shines. It doesn't cost a thing. And you will feel like a million dollars. 

I love to drink pure green tea by the way. It's such a health enhancer. It's also a trend from some time ago, but I still do it. If people ask me, I tell them 'It's my beauty secret.' It probably is, given I don't do much anymore to keep my skin as beautifull as I used to. I used to be more off a fanatic with skincare, but beauty depression mobbed it. That's all I wish to say about it for now, it went from filmstar perfect to ordinairy kid. But it's still without pimples and I still have a good complexion. So, green tea and no smoking, kids! 

I think red bush tea is on trend nowadays, I'm just not certain. Red bush purifies blood and is also perfect for a clear skin. I have it sometimes. To drink a lot off pure tea doesn't do bad for people! Maybe red bush is more cheap these days for people to drink it more. It makes green tea such a '10's trend. But I can't help it, it's been my youth and like most people, I somehow like to stick to some aspects from it. Just like Broccoli-Zuchinni soup. Somehow I feel even being a Millenial is outdated. Big companies dwell on Generation Z everywhere. We're out off fashion... We do bad these days and they already replaced us with the younger generation. We're supposed to be work force and parents. But a lot off us still live at our parental homes with bad paying jobs. Not being capable to afford life. That's these times. And in the Netherlands, there are too little homes for our generation which forces us to stay at our parents longer. I myself don't have to deal with that. I have a small home and no need to work since I'm sick. But it's a very low income which forces me to live in here. And work with what comes to me. Just like most fellow clients. 

But still, I got green tea, a warm home and my own roof above my head. And this place is clean and smells fresh. (A care taker complimented me yesterday on how my home smells fresh. No smoking kids! And to air by to open windows regulairly!) What more can a young girl wish for? I have no place for anything or anyone else, but it's sincere luxury. Even though my budget and health care don't even allow me a cat. It's big luxury to me to pet a kitty every day. But I'm not allowed one. That's what a girl can wish for. Other than that, nothing. But I got green tea, and fresh air, and not the burden to have to take care off anything or anyone. Some say that's luxurious. Simply not to have to take care off someone. Just to live life for yourself. There's something to say for it. Everything has it's pro's and it's con's. But believe it or not, I'm fine. No matter how you look at it, it's not a big miss as long as life still has fullfillment to me. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.      


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