donderdag 28 maart 2024

Good evening at the 28th off March, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was bright and sunny weather changing with clouds. 


First news off the day, is this picture off my Easter branch. I managed to picture it better this morning than I did a few weeks ago. I think it's quite a nice picture. 

It's been quite a buisy day. I have been swimming in the morning, and went to mom during afternoon. I'll be at my parental home this weekend. 

Life is quite something for fellow clients. Easter is quite something for them. Most off them have no family anymore. Or a bad bonding with them. It's a good thing to take count off. And so counts for most people. You could say Gorterhof is quite a lonely hearts club. I can consider myself lucky I still have family. Holidays are quite a thing for some people. A lot off people, usually the common, go through it like it's fun. But the lonely hearts club at de Boed does hard with it, mainly. 

We are not common. We do less than common. This world is hard to them. Hard to fully get. Nowadays, with society and the world being screwed up, it's even harder. I should try to understand. Sometimes it's difficult, since their low intelligence makes them short-minded. It's not nice to start about it in public. But what I can do is to convince them. Simply to eat more garlic, simply to try to be open minded, simply to try to be open for new things. Since it can be good for them. And it works. I'm no miracle worker. But to convince them to eat garlic, is simply to put it deliciously prepared in all my soups. But I lose my patience too, I'm no health worker. But this evening, I feel like understanding them more. What it comes down to: Not to be too harsh on them. I got a bit more off a distance to them this evening. That's why I probably understand: All they got during Easter, is de Boed. And it sucks. 

I came to another conclusion. I have no kids, but instead off feeling bad about it, when I see someone elses kids, or when I think about them, I feel 'They are not my problem.' And it's relief I feel about it. 'These kids are NOT MY problem.' Neither money-wise. I don't have to owe up for them during this crisis. And it's a massive relief. Their future, their well-being, their costs- NOT MY PROBLEM!!! Thank god, and it feels great. I'm honestly gratefull not to have kids. I'm free and independant. I don't have to feel guilty to have passed mental issues and my bad genes, and I can be sick and misserable however I please. It's a blessing. It's perfect. 💖And most off all, I'm not guilty to anything. I love it. 

It's good to turn something negative into something positive, and it got on me out off nowhere. I'm free, and I'm gratefull for it. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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