woensdag 13 maart 2024

Good evening at the 13th off March 2024, 2.

 Good evening everyone, 

The weather is grey, cloudy and dreary. It's truly working on our mood. 


This morning has been for soup making. I have been preparing classic Dutch vegetable soup for Wednesday Soup. But on chicken broth cube base, and with small soup meatballs. People loved their soup. And they loved the banana cake I made for them. I think I'm pretty spoiled since my soup is still with alphabet vermicelli. Vermicelli in the shape off letters. And my audience still loves it. 

I got the luck my Wednesday Soup is owed up by Leviaan at the community centre. So I don't have to pay it's costs. I can prepare soup each week on their costs. My fellow clients still see it as a treat each week. And who knows I cook them healthy by adjusting all that garlic, onion, vegetables and herbs to it. If I had a choice about it, I would eat more healthy. But I'm dependant on Leviaan (The care institute where I live) for my meals. (I pay a small amount off money for it, and that goes automatically.) I can't be picky, but every once a week I'm allowed to prepare fresh soup. 

I really have no clue what's in fashion for food these years. If there's food trends at all with this massive crisis going on. I must say I keep on holding on to trends from the '10's when it comes to food. But it was a good era for cooking. Cooking was a sincere trend, and they did a lot off cool inventions when it came to food. It's just that on myself, I can't afford that anymore. I think my fellow clients are lucky I have a place where I can cook it for them. Offcourse I would not dare to truly go crazy with soup. No billion euro ingredients for it, but fresh veggies, broth, spices.... those sort off things a commoner like me would have to owe up too much for if it wasn't granted to her. So, I still got a hint off luck with it. Maybe I'm just too spoiled I can still prepare soup like that. But it's a good thing. For me and my fellow clients, so they allow me to. And classic Dutch vegetable soup with letters and chicken broth has never been a trend, just something funny I invented myself. 

Those cheap days where perfect for food inventions and try outs. I even made a few cool discoveries in the kitchen myself. It's great to play with food like that. Inventions like my own receipe for banana cake. I sound old and a little outworn when I complain 'it can't be like that anymore.' I wonder if mankind will ever be so lucky with food again. If The World is going to see more great cookbooks, and if common household women like me can afford everything again one day. That would be great. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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