woensdag 27 maart 2024

Good evening at the 27th off March, 2.

 Good evening everyone, 

This day was not too bad when it comes to weather for a day in Spring. 


I don't know what my issue is. I can live perfectly well, I'm warm and fed but that's part off the problem. Sick people are taken care off well in the Netherlands when they're under the 2014 law. Which I fall under. But it's the problem, and somehow I think many common people are death jealouse off me during these times. Sometimes I think they are going to get after me for having this luxury, and the Nordic Ware. When I purchase something from them, or something expensive for my cooking hobby, I think the common poor people off the Netherlands are going to hate me for it, and are going to get after me when the crisis deepens, and they find out what big luxury I live in. It's not much for a working person with a nice big home and modern technology in their home. But for a plain worker, it's a lot. If times where normal, they would laugh at me. But times are bad and I have the fear I'm in trouble when they find out. In my single person flat, with my central heathing on. I see myself as a spoiled brat. I don't wear expensive clothes, and the technology here is not state off the art, but it's comfortable for me. But somehow, I got that fear each time they are going to get after me for purchasing expensive Nordic Ware sometimes. I'm on a governmental wage, my home is small and I have to share my lunch. They are not right in their head when they come after me. But I have this issue. 

They are more likely to get after true rich snobs. The real badass rich people. I don't even wear make-up and I don't have fake nails from a manicure. But still, the good old luxury I feel I live in! I honestly have no clue how deep the crisis still actually is and how much most people still suffer from it. I think it's especially the youth who suffers. But I don't. Maybe I'm over-acting on it. But it's a fear. I hope people will improve in circumstances, and the world will get over with it. And I hope they really consider my luxury a laugh compared to theirs. That's a normal world to be honest. Something is really wrong if they can't. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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