vrijdag 22 maart 2024

Good evening at the 22nd off March, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cloudy and dreary, with here and there a rainshower. 


This afternoon was for fresh coffee with a sweet treat: 

I allowed myself one. I feel like I've eaten badly yesterday, pretty little after swimming. So I allowed myself more food today. The crisis keeps me low on snacks and treats. But I felt so hungry today, I could eat a horse. I think I better don't save out so much on it as I'm doing right now. It's better to have something on hand for when I'm that hungry late in the evening. Not handy to save out on it too much. 

I felt like breathing from The Crisis today a bit. I purchased something fun for myself, I haven't done so in a while. I purchased the Nordic Ware Crystal Bundt pan. A very fancy bundt pan that caught my eye a long time ago, but which I never allowed myself: 

I think it's almost the prettiest, fanciest, most decadent cake mold under the sun, and today I allowed myself one. My mind needs a little space from the news, the crisis and the weather. So I allowed myself this. Just like the nice treat with my coffee, and a nice lunch out off the ordinairy. I feel mentally more stable after doing all off that, strange enough. I haven't felt well for a long time, but after 'breathing.' from the crisis, I feel a bit better. I'm someone who is lucky enough to be capable to purchase all off that. But not as frequently as I used to. I wish doing nice things often was part off ordinairy life again. I don't like to complain about it. And I'm also not certain if it is the cause off feeling so wobbly these weeks. But good stuff works to help me out. Appearently, I'm not a robot who can continue all the time without the nice things. Aside to that, simply to eat more will probably make me feel more stable. It's almost Easter. I allowed myself to breathe in well for a while. Easter, Ascencion day and Pentecost are a time for fancy bundt cakes. I could give this a try out once it's arrived. I hope it will help me to get more sane again. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   

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