zaterdag 23 maart 2024

Good morning at the 23th off March, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

This morning it's raining and cold. Today isn't promising. 


Yesterday evening I took another good deep breath from the crisis, and decided to purchase a square cupcake mold. 

Some time ago, I was on about how I wanted to try baking foods in original shapes. (Square, mostly.) I had purchased square springforms, which I have used a few times, and now it's the turn to square cupcakes. For fun and silly sake. 😉 I bet my fellow clients have never seen square cupcakes before. Not just for fun, but also for the 'create art out off food-' sake. And the 'Impress them' sake. At the moment, I will have to take it a bit sober with money again, but my breath was deep enough to truly inhale. 

My greed for this form off food preparing, is quite big. I've also seen triangulair cookie cutters, and offcourse the square bundt pan from Nordic Ware is on my wishlist. The good old, traditional shapes go in well with everyone, and their molds are pretty cheap. But to challenge myself, I allowed myself these. 

I just hope it goes in well with the old fashioned and food- conservative crowd at de Boed. And them not to see it as some sort off witchcraft. I know it's just out-off-the-ordinairy shapes, but they can think a bit short-minded when it comes to food. But I can get everyone to like my soups, including the big amount off garlic that goes in they where weary off. Maybe I can get them to like square cupcakes and triangulair cookies. I got them to like square kwarktaart, so to say. But that was not a hard one. The taste was not out off the ordinairy. 

And it's not as if it's some sort off national heritage to the Dutch you're supposed to prepare everything in a round shape. It's not offensive. I just hope my crowd is open for these baking projects, and the internet won't hate on me for being expensive with my molds. But maybe it's better to keep the audience on my Facebook out for now... and not cheering over to have purchased these and another few in the future on there for some time. Maybe just showing them some results to my work. I like to have a hobby, but I don't like to brag to poor people about the price tag. I have been in that position myself, rich people having all the good stuff, and I myself uneasy for not being capable to live up to that standard. (Maybe I should not have picked up an education in the field off law and government, but it was open for everyone. Also for poor idiots like me.😒)  My classmates where insanely rich compared to me. Usually I dress moderate to avoid that feeling in ordinairy people. But that's a sad story about my youth. I know baking with these will impress. Also with the Nordic Ware crystal cut bundt pan. It's supposed to impress. But not to let them feel down about themselves. 

Still, let's hope for the 'cool to be impressed.' kind off feeling among them. I just hope for good receivement. And for stunning results. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   


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