woensdag 6 maart 2024

Good afternoon at the 6th off March, 2024.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

This afternoon the weather is sunny and bright, changing with clouds.


This morning was for mild Mexican Nacho soup. (Without a spicy pepper.) Mexican style paprika soup with cream cheese people can dip nacho's into. I discovered I love the taste off coriander to it. Some say it tastes like soap, while others love it. I'm in the last category. If food wasn't so expensive, I would like to make chicken mango chutney wraps with crunchy salad vegetables and coriander in it. But I'm dependant on de Boed, so I have to eat my meals there. And creative dishes like these are not likely to be on their menu. Next week it's all depressing potatoes, vegetables and meat for dinner. I have to accept it the way it is. I think they won't allow me to make mango chutney chicken wraps at de Boed for dinner. Sometimes I'm just a poor old cowgirl myself, low on money and having to accept circumstances how it is.  But the coriander served with my soup, tasted great. 

I feel like ending my weblog for today at this point. I simply have no energy anymore, and all I wanted to share with you was the soup story off the day. 😉

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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