zaterdag 16 maart 2024

Good evening at the 16th off March, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today has been cloudy and cold. 


It may seem a bit weird. I have been grooming myself to moderate and nice this weekend, even dying my hair and plucking my eyebrows and posting a picture off myself on Facebook as my profile picture. I feel so good about this whole 'looking nice.' thing. But then I started to feel insecure: What if people my age think I'm out off tune for not wearing make-up? I have made myself tidy, but I haven't dolled up. 

I'm not a make-up wearer on daily base. I go by day to day without make-up. Just when grocery shopping, I wear it. And only mascara and nude lipstick. On daily base, it's none. Maybe people my age think I look shabby, vulgair and out off tune when they see me on Facebook. But when turning all those questions down, I started to feel good about to have groomed myself again. Google didn't have a steady answer for me anyway. 

This neighbourhood doesn't withhold much fancy to normal young women I can copy when it comes to make-up, and care takers my age keep their looks basic. When I get to meet a woman my age around here, it's usually her easy-going 'taking care off the kids.' look. When she pushes a baby carriage or walks a dog. It's never like I get to see them with much make-up on. And fellow clients also simply don't. They don't wear it. They pluck their eyebrows tidy, but they don't do make-up often. Maybe that's my answer: That's what I'm supposed to do. But if I start to wonder about ordinairy young women in the outside world, it's hard to get an answer. Maybe I do look cheap to them on my Facebook profile picture, and out off tune. But I would honestly not know if that's right or wrong. I barely get to see them. I have no friends my age, no rivals to compete with, no women I look up to I can copy, none. I just do what I think is right. Just, bare faced, plucked eyebrows and neutral dyed hair. The world has to do it with that. I look like a psychiatric patient. It's the average look in here. Natural. Except for my glasses. But they don't mind about them. Oh well, as long as I'm not out off tune in here, I'm probably doing it right for now.

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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