vrijdag 8 maart 2024

Good morning at the 8th off March, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

This morning it's clear and bright yet cold outside. It's promising to become cold and sunny today. It's probably for morning coffee at de Boed's terrace at their back yard. 


I feel like scrooching Easter this year. I'm not in the mood to decorate for it. I saw the local swimming pool to have put up their decorations, but I don't feel like placing mine this period. Maybe because I think Easter is on the early side. 

I should be in a holiday mood, but I think it's the war in Ukraine and the whole situation in the world that makes me feel less festive this year. There's a massive war going on! Big ass crisis, people. It's not appropriate to stunt with bunnies, eggs and chicks. And that overdose off pastels. I know it's a thing from the church, and they have to have it their way, no matter what. But to me, Easter means the beginning off spring. The first full moon off spring, officially seen. That weekend we celebrate Easter. It's mainly having two days off fancy dinner and breakfast with my family. We're not religious. If I owe it up to the Pagan gods, I simply hope they're tolerant and forgive me for not being in the right mood for Easter. My moody depression leppards are in the way this year. 

My mom suggested to at least place a bush off yellow flowers on the table, to celebrate the beginning off spring. But not even that. I feel too cranky for that, either. 

Today I didn't feel too cranky to paint my nails. I felt like a little nail polish this morning. I'm typing you this while it dries. To blog is perfectly to let my nails dry. I put the shade 'Bingo Flamingo.' by Essence on my nails. Sometimes, a cute, funny name does it for make-up. And it works out perfectly on me. I think it's time for tea 😉 

Part off the feminine way off waging war, in my opinion, is to put up your Easter decorations, tastefull and elegant. Like every year and not to let yourself being set up by Russians. It's how I think it's supposed to be done. But just for this 'waging war.' thing? Maybe I should keep on that track, who knows I might find inspiration and fuel for it. 

 Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 



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