zaterdag 23 maart 2024

Good evening at the 23th off March, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was felt like it was almost haunted. It was cold, very grey and rainy. This old place makes it feel like it's almost haunted by ghosts when the weather is like that. 


Good grief, I don't like to share the bad news, but I'm so tired. Tired, sick, psychotic... life is getting too much off me and I don't like it. I'm covered under a blanket on my couch. It's warm and cozy, but today was sooo depressing. 

I don't know what my exact issue is. Since I forgot. I keep on having trouble with something I forgot, but it keeps on distracting my mind. But I can't see what it is anymore. Still, it's too bad ever since three weeks. It's been something about hitting Faust on the head with a good wooden baseball club, but then I lost it. Not out off guilt, but maybe the emotion that keeps me from it. Still, I'm strong. I don't hit my enemies. I don't use violence against them. Though it's that tempting at times. Naw, I don't do that. 

But what in the world is so wrecking about that thought? Life is standing still, I can't clean the home, I feel sooo sucked out and tired all the time, but Faust is a bloodsucker. Just too bad off an energy. It's best to never seek after him again, Neither with a good wooden club. It's best to stay out off their way. Forever? Well, yeah, if it's up to me, yes. Forever. It feels good. 

The crystal cut bundt pan and the square cupcake mold have arrived. Maybe I purchased something insane and silly. And I have been too optimistic about collecting and starting new baking projects. I needed to breathe from the crisis, but these items where not responsible. Oh, well. I think I have to hold myself again after this. Still, I own two great items for my baking collection by now. AND offcourse I'm about to try them out. Otherwise it would have been such an incredible waste. Everyone needs a little fun every now and then, and it's not like I purchase these every week again. It's silly, it's irreligious, but it's art. 

My head hurts, and little goes in with me. Texts are too much, watching TV is too much. Even texts I used to consider as easy are too much these days. My head is too full. Even the poems on a Dutch website I post them on, and read from other users, are too much to read. (I like to write poetry every now and then. But my head is too full for that right now.)  I don't do bad on the poetry website. I must say they comment quite positive on me. But it's anonymously. So I can keep my identity vague. All they see is the poetry, and it's to their liking. 

I will keep my blog to here, since I feel like getting full in my head by now. 😉

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 


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