zondag 24 maart 2024

Good evening at the 24th off March, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

This afternoon it's been raining cats and dogs. This entire day, actually. 


Despite there to have been rain, I decided to go out to Zaandam centre, and go shopping some things I needed. I will keep it vague, since it can be seen as witchcraft, and we don't want to play open card with my enemies. Whether it be Vana Events and it's huge crowd, or the Russians, or both. 

I also purchased eyebrow gel and a lip and cheek tint cream blush. Ain't that the fashion? Three pats off a deep colour, and then smudged on your cheeks very well? I purchased a deep berry tint. And eyebrow gel, because on a daily base I'm 'One off those types who gets away with just eyebrow gel on a regulair base.' If she plucks, And nothing more than that since I barely wear make-up in daily life. But I think eyebrow gel for my thick eyebrows, is appropriate to keep them look groomed. The berry blush is when I got an occasion or something, since I barely wear it. But I found, due to modern times, my blush needed a small, liquid update. 

I found the shops looked like a mermaid's treasure, I was simply not able to purchase due to the prices. It looked very fancy and romantic, and a mermaid would not spit on it. I can see 'romantic ocean' is the trend here. 

But I should not complain about my kitchenware being a bit on the outdated side.  And my stuff being not 'on trend.' Since I can make it through with what I got. I think I should start a rant about how we don't need to replace dishes with every change off fashion, since they can withstand times if you're not about to throw them on the floor on purpose. Same counts for glas ware. Plain cups are perfect to withstand a crisis. The World is dealing with a crisis and insane costs. We're not dealing with the old First World problem off a trend change. It's spring, and it's supposed to be a romantic pastel. This year it happens to be 'ocean.' But when it's about to be Christmas (For example), it requires us to purchase a deep, romantic bourgundy. Or even a decadent gold plate for that matter. But let me tell you this: Most off us simply don't have the money for that. 

It's wonderfull what they can do with colours, ceramic and light effects. But most poor people don't have money for it. I don't know for how many people that still counts. I don't know how deep the crisis actually still is. But as far as I'm concerned, I think the youth still doesn't has it. Or maybe I am the only sucker who can't purchase. Maybe it's as simple as that and I'm just telling to myself 'Not to go with the next fashion trends.' due to lack off money and it being expensive. I heard there was a salary increasement among a lot off working people. So who knows they can afford such things again? I simply don't know since I don't work. 

But if you still suffer from the big crisis and price increasement, you should not go with the trends. And don't matter about it. Try not to mind about it. I don't have the right to complain, I purchased an over-the-moon Nordic Ware bundt pan. But I know I will have to grid my teeth when it comes to other things. On the other hand, I'm not like the youth who don't have anything at all. I can still say I live in a small flat, warm and comfortable. With furniture surrounding me, and clothes on my body. And despite not purchasing new kitchen ware, (Where'd I have to store it anyway? My cupboards are full enough.) I could afford a pumpkin spiced latte and a New York style slice off cheesecake siding it this afternoon. And it was good. So, to me it's a first world problem so it seems. My first concern when it comes to money, is travelling money for my travelling card, and making it to mom's Easter table next weekend. Other than that, I should not make myself ilusions about it. But what does one think, after such a purchase off Nordic Ware? I'm not rich anymore, but I can not count myself truly poor, to be honest. Let's be thankfull the Russians haven't gotten the best off me, yet. 

Allright, that's about it for now - 

Thank you for reading.       

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