dinsdag 5 maart 2024

Good evening at the 5th off March, 2024, 2.

 Good evening everyone, 

There's no news about the weather so far- it's still dark outside. 


Question: Are you greedy? 

I know about some rumours about my incredible greed. But to be honest, I think I'm not much diffrent than most common people. I can hold myself back during this crisis, not hoarding in one new item after the other and doing with what I got so far to save out on money. And it's not like when commercialism comes out with a brand new item, I desperately need it in my life or I'm about to die. Or one new expensive item after the other simply because 'I need to, and I can.' That's spoiled behaviour. I grant myself cool new items and luxury sometimes, but I think I'm down to earth enough to say I'm not spoiled. During this crisis, it's less than it used to be, but that counts for most people I assume. I think we all need to use our common senses when we need to grid our teeth. Or when we're simply not that rich. 

Another thing is, I purchase, but I don't replace and throw away so easily. Also, especially during these times I keep on conserving items. I don't see the need off replacing tools off every day use so easily when we're content with them. To be honest, if we're sober we can use good stuff and items for a long time. It doesn't need to be replaced with the latest fashion change. I have been collecting items that can withstand change off fashion and which don't go out off style so easily. I think I can use them for times to come. 

I think I'm greedy when I'm wealthy enough for it. Other than that, I conserve a lot. I like to use my common sense with it. So I'm not desperately greedy. But sometimes I like to putchase cool new items. If that's good enough for an answer. 😉 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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