woensdag 13 maart 2024

Good evening at the 13th off March, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today the weather has been dreary and cloudy. One is to get moody from all that grey weather. 


I have been wondering for a long time on Why Mark van der Stelt would put up with what he has done, and maybe the answer is his loss off face. Not appologizing, scapegoating, agreeing on sexism, lying, The whole tearing me down part. Simply to safe his own ass, face and pride. Mark has been wrong to begin with. Vana should have appologized earlier on to me. But they put up this whole negative show to safe their face. It doesn't do well for the ambience when they do it like that. Especially with someone who simply does not understand the clue to these actions, cruel as they are. 

Saving your face? MARK! do you realize you have never looked like more off a dick before? Loss off face? He should have shown character 13 years ago, simply by appologizing. Not by putting up this whole sexism show. It makes their behaviour worse and worse by the years. And it doesn't look like it's going anywhere positive. And it means they have been truly spitting me out. A thing which I have never fully understood but simply by to picture the whole thing in my mind like this. 

I thought Mark and I had made up somewhere at the beginning off 2014, and then that stupid ass cunt off a wife off his came up with that owl- wickerbeast which looked like taring and scapegoating. AND then her itchy bitchy remark at Keltfest 2015. If you mean to have made up with me and mean well with me, you should not have done that. It ment war again. If you mean well with me, you don't bring up an owl about my weblog later on. And so, I re-started to blog. She should have known better. I keep on thinking she is very jealouse off me somehow. 

Somehow Vana has never looked like more off a dick before, and I'm innocent. I did not understand why she has done so. Except that she's after no good with me. I don't like the old snake. I never liked her. She seems prude at first, but oh woe of you get to meet her other side. It's a tyrant and a bitch and she is NOT trustworthy. I know the audience should know. Neither off them is to trust. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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