woensdag 27 maart 2024

Good evening at the 27th off March, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was mild spring weather. Cloudy but acceptable somehow. 


This morning I documented soup making. I pictured and filmed some steps off the proces. 

I pictured more, but I think you might think off these as somewhat boring. I think the picture off the result came out good. The result was nevertless great, despite de Boed's lack in fantasy when it comes to kitchenware, but it's an example off items which withstand times if you don't throw them on the floor on purpose, and are therefore cheap. I don't know if this sentence is offensive to them, but I think they can withstand the crisis and the war with that vision. In all these 5 years I live here, it's been the same plain old stuff. But it's capable to feed us and withstand some times. And it's uniform. So let's hope I'm the only one who minds it's boring. Well, statement made. Let's hope I won't get in trouble with it. 

My tomato soup was great according to the eaters. Tomato soup is beloved in the Netherlands. Wednesday Soup is received quite gratefull among us. The only thing missing here was soup balls. Some meatballs in our tomato soup. I don't know when, but it's a challenge for the next time I'm about to make it. Other than that, it's quite first class tomato soup. I know people are going to miss it when we quit lunch and soup lunch especially. And I'm going to miss the process off soup making. And the appreciation afterwards. 

It's made from a receipe from this cookbook: 


I purchased it before the crisis. When it was still agreeable to purchase such cookbooks. It's one off those treasures I can only use at de Boed nowadays. I myself am too poor for first class tomato soup in my own kitchen. I wish they would not do that. But they said they are going to look for a solution. It's a pity, but we'll have to wait and see. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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