zaterdag 30 maart 2024

Good morning at the 30th off March, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today it seems rainy and it's a promise to rain all day. 


This Easter, I have tidy hands. It's quite something since I neglected the very dry skin on my hands, and I just put a common wear nail polish on my nails. But my hands are very lady-like and tidy thanks to my mom's hand cream. And my insight for this weekend to keep the nails polished and maintained. It's something for the headlines, simply because usually it's dry, sore and uncomfortable skin on my hands. Mom found a handcream that works. 💖 My own cream only dried them even more. It's no Easter pastel nails. The colour is called 577 Cream Supreme by Isadora, it's a 90's nude. But my hands look fine this Easter. It's a bit off an Easter miracle to me. It's been that dry. 

Mom and I came to terms on something else yesterday. If I would not purchase make-up or books from it, she would allow me a little money to have more space to eat when de Boed quits their meals. But she's quite strict on it. I'm allowed to cover my basics and fruits and vegetables from it. But she decided I'm not allowed to purchase new cooking bibles. There's four new on the market I don't own yet, this weekend there was published a new one. But I better skip that idea. I bet new Nordic Ware isn't allowed either. But I can cook with fruits and vegetables again and make cooking for myself fun again when we have to participate and prepare meals ourselves. 

That's what you got when you're dependant on someone else. Their will is law. I'm also not allowed to purchase mindfullness books and so on from it. Just cover up for my food and basics. Mom is really a strict one when it comes to that. But maybe I can fill up my instagram again with pictures off good meals to keep it fun. It's been a bit on it's ass due to price increasement. On the other hand, now I can finally make my current cookbooks roll a bit and prepare foods from them. Let's try to turn it into something positive. I just hope I can manage to keep the kitchen clean after cooking. I'm not that good at maintaining a clean surrounding when I'm 'like that.' All off it is quite something, but with mom's money I'm going to make it through. 

And just natural hair and plucked eyebrows? at de Boed, my fellow clients and me don't do it any diffrent. So no make-up is not a big deal. And I think I'm not allowed to purchase books on the subject off modern, feel-good mindfullness. I love those. But it's something for later on, probably. As long as this lasts, mom is in charge. And she told me I can't take it so expensive with laundry wash anymore. I have a stock, but to re-fill it my way is not allowed. 

I have to give up a lot to save my ass, but that's how the world works nowadays. It's crisis. But I'm covered, saved, and I'm going to be fed. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.   



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