zaterdag 13 april 2024

Good evening at the 13th off April, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was a sunny and warm day in the Netherlands. To a point where the weather was agreeable and nice. 


The repair cafe fixed my Soup Bible with duct tape. 

I'm capable to work from it again, but it isn't what you would call 'nice repaired.' It's not broken anymore, but it's kinda a lump way off repairing. And I have to do it with this. I don't have money for a new one. But it's fine with me. This book has battle scars after such a long service in my Wednesday Soup kitchen. I ended my Soup Kitchen, Since I don't lunch at de Boed anymore. The Soup Bible is fixed with duct tape and has my name written on it's cover so they could see it was mine. Aren't those battle scars? I gave my Soup fans a good time eating all off my soups. What a journey, with one year off a break. But my soups where that missed, I decided to pick up on it again, untill de Boed decided to quit it's meals. It's no longer picking a soup each week, neither this or my own thought out receipes. It's all done. I somehow feel it. All that work, all that experience... .I never had a job in my entire life, but I had a Soup Kitchen every week. 

I think I'm going to miss it. I liked it. And paople loved it. 

I can hear my oldest younger brother mock about how it's repaired with duct tape, and it looking cheap ass. (My brother thinks I'm cheap.) But it's a book with a story. I think that's what matters. What an experience, what a volunteer job! I need a moment for this. Maybe a lot off time to process it. It's been a lot. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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