maandag 22 april 2024

Good afternoon at the 22nd off April, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today it's cold for a day in Spring. 


I had some time and energy on hand this afternoon, so I baked a raisin  cake on an old fashioned tray which I found at de Boed's give away shop: 

The serving tray was for free, and I wanted to use it for some time, but I had no opportunity. de Boed is lucky I had the materials and time left for this. It's for their tomorrow evening coffee. 

I stuff my raisin cake with 500 grams off raisins, and not a gram less. It's well stuffed and delicious that way, with plenty off raisins in each slice. Aside from raisins, I dusted it with icing sugar. And people love it when it's this old fashioned. Since they are a little err, you know... 

I think it goes in well on a cold Tuesday evening. With a nice cup off coffee. 

I can be proud off myself I cleaned the kitchen afterward, and I did this anyway. I feel depressed, moody and tired. But this gave me something nice on hand. It's probably the cold that gives me that mood. It's pretty cold for the Netherlands in April, it even has been freezing last night. Maybe raisin cake works as a mood enhancer tomorrow evening. Who knows. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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