donderdag 18 april 2024

Good evening at the 18th off April, 2024, 2.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was aside from changing and cloudy, pretty cold. 


Caretakers and fellow clients all agree I should do as I please, but somehow I feel too much baking is inappropriate during this difficult war-era. They said I should call it my 'Peace cookies.' And they dedicated songs to it during music afternoon. I think they just want to eat my bakings. 

But something in me whispers in it's a bit 'wrong.' To do excessive baking during this era. Where it's more neat to behave inside the lines. I'm not the person to challenge fate by excessive baking during this era. It's not appropriate, and somehow I feel I should store my pretty molds untill peace truly breaks out and there is something to celebrate, finally, again. Nowadays it's so hard. I think off not over-doing it when it comes to baking these days. But that's my opinion. It's a bit greedy, over- doing it while most seem to have not much. 

But when will these days be over, and we are likely to allow ourselves baking like a princess again? That's hard to answer. I don't expect peace in the short term, but I don't expect it to last very long either. Do I have to store my Nordic Ware forever, then? It's hard, it's tempting, but it's also a bit too spoiled to bake like a princess these days. Where during Corona, nothing was crazy enough, nowadays I rather feel like holding my breath a bit. But that was a diffrent time, when money and resources wheren't so spare and expensive. 

Sad for everyone who wishes to eat 'peace cookies.' (I should make an exception, and see if there aren't cookie cutters with the peace sign.😉) But I feel like behaving a bit when it comes to baking.  

And, I decided on to donate more toothbrushes and toothpaste. I'm donating a box off toothpaste tubes and a box off toothbrushes in steps to the give away cabinet down the hall. (One off each one by one.) I really think I helped some poor people to a fresh breath. I don't have to hold back donating like I believed before. It's only good intentions and good Karma for me when it comes to that. It's such a great feeling when I can give . And it's unisex. Both men and women can use it. It's good to give, I truly believe that. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.    

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