woensdag 10 april 2024

Good evening at the 10th off April, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today happened to be beautifull and sunny. 


This was my salad this afternoon: 

With a fried potato mess and a chicken burger, and a dot off mayonaise. It's not perfect potatoes, but it's been tasty. 

And I happened to have a thought. 'The World' as how we thought it was, seemed invincible. We thought nobody could wreck or demolish The World. But what seemed indestructable, has been destroyed so easily by these times and war. How is it possible for The World not to win this war? To re-arange it's bills and to solve this entire mess? What seemed so strong, has been blown away like an empty card house. People are poor, Ukraine is destructed and we have no clue if we will ever see diffrent these days. 5 years ago, around 2019, nobody could have thought that We would be destroyed so easily. But what's been build up by then, is as good as destructed. 

Can it be solved? Can The World re-pack itself and save it's ass? good old World... It's never been more needed than nowadays for people to show their guts. This country is 'Naar de klote.' According to most. Ask someone, and they say 'Dit land is naar de klote.' (Translated: 'It's on it's ass.') And it's about time to stop with that circus and get something solved by now for once. But how to? I'm not the only one fed up with the situation. But how can ordinairy people solve this mess? And does this come from a power behind the power, if there is some to begin with? How to save the world, and the Netherlands, and become indestructable once again? But now for real? How much more do they want us to owe up for? And what do we see back from it? It's on it's flat ass, but now - to solve it.- but for real? Or do we want to live in this trap forever? What do we need to make happen, to simply solve it? Both in the long and short term. Maybe I should mind my own business, and government work wasn't good for me, but I know a mess when I see one. How the hell are we going to solve this? 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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