vrijdag 9 augustus 2024

Good evening at the 9th off August, 2024.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was cloudy and acceptable when it comes to temperature. 


I came to the conclusion that my favourite by Elvis Presley is 'Burning love.' I love the intensity off that song. 

I'm kinda tired and somewhat inspirationless. Coffee serving goes well, I'm doing somewhat well, Mercury is retrogtade, - It's probably that with this weblog today. Mercury, planet off comunication, is retrograde this month, and we all suffer from that, if we're not carefull. But I haven't been blogging much in a while. 

I can't think off much off a subject, except for feeling proud I'm still washed and clean during a crisis, and the feeling off being physically clean is sooo good. I might not look attractive, but I feel I can reject men for not being washed or as clean as me. This  crisis makes it hard for them to stay hygienic, but I don't do hard with it, due to my storage room, so I feel I can set that standard. Sweaty, bad-breathed dirtbags are not for me, no matter how hot they are. 

Today was for coffeeing at de Boed with fellow clients, I feel they do worse than usuall. But I'm not allowed to talk about their issues. Still, somehow they come off as heavy cases these days. Aside to neighbours becoming truly old and issued. 

Really, when I feel I want to mirror myself to 'common women.' I look at care takers my age. What they look like, what's common for young women around their 30's. Fellow inhabitants off this place are too old or too sick. But actually I mirror to older women. Around their 50's or 60's, since I think they dress more colourfull and more happy. I wear more bold colours than my generation. And more their every day style. I look kinda old, but I feel better when I look a little more irreligiously cheerfull. For a millenial, it's almost irreligious to wear bold colours in a happy style. But I never felt like my generation. I barely fit in with them. But it's not the blacks, it's the colours I prefer. 

It's going to be a hot weekend, and a tropical Monday. I called off all my appointments, and decided to stay in that day. I can't stand heath. And really, I already decided my next birthday cake will be a home made syrup waffle cheesecake, with caramel sauce. It's litterally almost a year away, as if you decide 4 days after Christmas what to prepare next Christmas for dinner. But it's something diffrent than my MonChou cake.  

Big challenge this weekend: To stay alive, and to stay fresh. Nothing is as hard as a tropical day for me. I hope Elvis is going to save the day that day. 

Allright, that's about it for now, 

Thank you for reading. 

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