woensdag 28 augustus 2024

Good morning at the 28th off August, 2024.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today is promising to become a hot summer day, with temperatures I find hard to bear. 


I prepared for it by 

1. shaving my leggs, and to have let done a pedicure. I have lady-like feet today. Very preferable during summer heat, and it's fresh. 

2. cleaning the toilet, be certain to tame down harches off badteria. 

3. throwing the thrash out, and be certain the kitchen and the floor are clean, which helps in preventing bacteria. 

4. being washed, and be sure I can be washed this evening. To shower and stay fresh is important! 

5. preparing a meal ahead, I don't want to be in the kitchen all day and feeling it because off summer heath.  

6. Opening the windows and the door off this flat wide spread so fresh air can blow through before closing and putting on my van. It's a good idea to air your place  in the morning before summer heath starts. It's cooler in the morning, and the place can chill down a bit before the heath starts. 

7. I put on a summer dress and flipflops. Being someone who was raised near a beach area, I like to wear flipflops in summer. Also when there's no beach near. 

8. I'm sure to have a pitcher off water steady so I can drink all day. Which I do. It's important to drink well all day when it's hot. 

9. Be certain to have something hearty on hand, like a salty snack, when you sweat a lot and you drank water all day, to re-fill your salt level. A cup off vegetable broth can also do the trick. Make sure it's hearthy and salty if you feel faint from heath. 

It's easy, take a mug, put a cube off vegetable broth in, pour over hot water from a water boiler and stir untill the cube is resolved. There you got your magic potion against feeling faint in summer heath!  

10. I prefer to stay inside all day, with my van on and the sunscreen down. No business outside for me on days like this! I can't withstand the temperatures. 

11.  I got zero calorie crystal clear lemon taste in the fridge when I want to drink something else than water. It has no calories, it tastes well and it's sparkly and refreshes. The perfect drink for a hot day! On the other hand, it's good not to get in heavy sodas like coke or orange soda, but zero calorie crystal clear is perfect. 

12. Be sure to have a van on hand. And let it blow and cool the room you spend your day in! Vans and air conditioning are important. 

13. Don't eat heavy stuff, or stuff which can cause infections like suspicious meat. It's best to stay away from that entirely on too hot days. It's best to eat light meals with well-prepared, quality meat. And be carefull with overly sugared drinks. Anything that can cause sickness and vomiting, actually, is a no-go. 

These are my tips to get through summer heath a bit fresh and healthy. Stay fresh and you'll get by well.   

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading. 

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