Good evening everyone,
It's been a beautifull and cold day in the Netherlands. A beautifull first day off the year off the Snake.
This morning I had a bloodtest, I had such headache this Monday I almost demanded one. To see my blood values and see if something is wrong. It was hell on earth. Luckily the bloodtest went smooth. Usually I'm hard to prick. I have deep vains. I'm a bit hazy these days. A bit vague. I dive deep in delusional states off minds, usually ones where I fight with Vana again. All those things I haven't said but which I should have. I just did not have the heart. And Vana is obnoxious. They play the victim and the bitten dog, but they are cowards. Something not to take too heartly what they say. They are untrustworthy and the sentiment is wrong. I think they just don't get it. Or they have an agenda when they do. 'Cause what they do is wrong and I can't lay my finger on it. It has been this confusing for 14 years now. They're kinda suspicious. I think they just want to earn big money over backs. They're not in it for the right feeling. And cowards as they have always been, they ditched me and left me the cold shoulder. While forgetting to tell their audience the truth. I'm not guilty, they are.
They are going to enhigher taxes during this massive crisis, to make ends meet. The government will increase prices on top off inflation. I feel so worried about the poor people who can't feed their children due to it already, A government who abandons it's people already, you'd wonder what they need those taxes for, they do nothing for it.
I got a brilliant idea for Pokémon game names, Pokémon Salt & Pepper. All the other stuff was too pricey during crisis. And then let them fight in spice and herb gyms. I just think Nintendo won't agree. The oregano badge, the garlic badge, the lemongrass badge- The cinnamon badge- But no, nothing off that. I wonder if Pokémon still sells to begin with. It seems so expensive for ordinairy kids. A few years ago when I was still making jewelry, I liked to make things that looked like Pokémon badges at the Upcycling shop, and at the mental hospital when I was taken in back then. It was fun. But I'm not that creative anymore. A badge clasp and glueing beads and ornaments to it untill it looked like a Pokémon badge. It was fun. I designed those myself, and they where not official, but it was fun. I just don't do so anymore. I lost my creativity and my will to do handcrafts and games. I'm a bit boring at the moment. But see, I have had that mental block for a few years now. I lost reason and shape, I can barely read my works on mindfullness and Japanese wisdoms by my favourite authors from these years. It's said to be a side effect off being mental. Very difficult. I don't feel so creative anymore. It's as if I'm covered under a thick layer off dust. As thick as snow. Very hard to deal with. Maybe my apetite in reading eastern philosophy comes back after the war. It's really hard to think peace when we're at war. When everything is more sensitive in the world. It goes in harder with this going on. I have such beautifull, wise books. It's just very difficult to even want to read them these days.
I think the war won't be on forever. It will be peace again, and I think it's going to be in the short term. Just a foresight, an insight, whatever. Magic. I hope my spirit will regain it's inspiration by then. Inspiration is a fragile thing sometimes. Dangerous in the hands off a mad man, beautifull in the hands off artists. Just, who knows? Maybe life itself is good enough for now. And god simply doesn't grant me more than this. Something to think off. Life ain't so bad. Well I never worry, now that is a lie- (Red Hot Chilli Peppers- Under the Bridge.)
I hope I will regain inspiration again one day. And get creative again. It's as if it's under a deep sleep, covered in snow thick dust. Sometimes I just have to deal with it, it's the prison I'm in as a mental patient. Maybe it will brighten one day.
Allright, that's about it for now-
Thank you for reading.