dinsdag 1 maart 2022

Hector the ladybug

 Hector the ladybug 

Cute and adorable 

I feel stuck 

Hector the ladybug

A bug with a suit 

I want to snug

Hector the ladybug 

might or might hit like a lightningstruck 

Hector the ladybug 

He's so cute 

He stands for luck 

Hector the cute and adorable 


Stands for outstanding luck 

This could be the opening jingle to a children's cartoon about a ladybug, a man in a ladybug suit who brings luck to the people he meets. Something in an almost nostalgic 80's or 90's look. Not from a computer program but actually drawn and brought to live on TV. How cute would such a TV show be? 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.  

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