zondag 27 maart 2022

Good evening at the 27th off March, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was sunny and bright outside. I managed to sit a while in the sun before going inside. I can't be in the sun for too long or I'll burn. I'm very sensitive for sharp sunshine but I love the warmth off the sun. So half an hour to one hour maximum in the sun- otherwise I'll have a problem. 


Today was for sleeping in for some time after medication. I went to our office in PJ's and got my morning medication- then went back and slept in a few hours. I took it quite long untill 13.00 P.M. I love sleeping in. I shamelessly go out in PJ's if I can manage to stay on the terrain and only have to go for medication at de Boed. Barely anyone sees me in the morning in weekends. Who cares? But it's more easy to go back to bed afterward if I do so. I love weekends. 

The pain and the nagging feeling I often have inside my head are fading. I don't know how that happens, but it happens and I feel a bit better these days. The hurt is on an extreme low level. And that probably means something good. Sometimes I think the nasty witches are on a better track with me nowadays, but somehow I started to overthink it and became to realise the medication actually might do good on me. I'm less sore in my head anyway. It's promising. (I'm also laughing less to myself and I feel less swoon away by delusions. It's definetely something promising) 


 I have to live with it one week more untill the end off this medication switching process. It takes up to 6 weeks for a medicine to be fully worked in the system and in the brain. After rain comes shine this time and I believe I deserve it somehow. Let's not awake bad omens by cheering too early. I rather awaken cute ladybug guardian angels to keep on guiding me in the proces as I probably need them like crazy and I adore them like no other. (I'm probably a bit too lonely. But ladybug guardian angels are- still needed somehow, despite they might not be healthy for my mental progres) I have been living with this hurt inside my head for years. I love my ladybug guardian angel. 


Sometimes I am lucky, with the life I lead for example. I should count my blessings a few times more when bailing about this location being remote from a lot off things. (Among a lot off house blocks, but far away from shops and such and the bus only goes once every hour.) I could be thankfull for my home and the care I receive to feel more healthy. I don't live like I've won the jackpot, I live quite modest and sober, but it's allright I supose. half a week ago there was a ladybug inside my home on my front window on the inside. It got escaped before I could turn it outside again, but it felt somehow like a sign from the gods. Ladybugs bring good luck according to some. I should feel lucky. (And watch it when I leave my window open on a sunny day. But nevertless, something good) 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.  

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