Good evening everyone,
Today was cloudy and depressing but forecasts are promissing and we already had a small sample off the sun this weekend.
Don't be shocked by the next story about personal health.
I hope my ladybug guardian angel reads this. But there was an incident today on finding my veins. I have to be taken off blood for a bloodtest but they couldn't vind a suitable vein as mine lay pretty deep. The GP assistant tried to prick me twice but nothing came from it. I felt a bit sick the previous weeks so GP showed up and tries to find any infection under my skin where it can come from. I feel a bit sneezy every often and a bit gloomy (Sunshine does miracles for it) especially at de Boed. I can be sneezy and a bit sick but I'm not feverish so a thermometer can't find anything when they test me. I'm supposed to have a few bloodtests this year to see if I'm not sick underneath and one by psychiatric health to see if my system and my organs work well.
I believe in miracles, if you are a ladybug guardian angel, or better, THE ladybug guardian angel... please help me out? I would appreciate very much.
Thank you.
Allright, that's about it-
Thank you for reading.
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