donderdag 17 maart 2022

Good evening at the 17th off March, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was mainly sunny. It was a bright day in almost spring. 


This morning I got send home even before finishing my second coffee after medication for having a heavy cold. Just when you think things can't go worse, it's growing a bit above my head at the moment with the entire situation. I'm mentally not taking it due to medication switches and then I had a cold so I couldn't have coffee or eat at de Boed. Just when you think nothing worse can be taken away off you, life offers so much opportunities in that. Blah. I have a nasty cold. Just when the promised sunshine comes in. 

No corona, luckily, but I believe they will test me the entire time to be certain about this one. I have runny eyes, runny nose, sneezing all the time and no energy. But that's nothing new. I usually have no energy to fullfill life. Or to take on life. One good thing is that I didn't go over-eating today and I went moderate with breakfast and lunch. I simply didn't allow myself. And it worked. I'm not tired this evening since I was in bed all day today. I'm so glad and thankfull to have this tiny flat and care takers to provide me healthcare this day and era. I'm not alone as long as they help me. Loneliness would have killed me these days if I stood for it all alone. Luckily I have health care. I can't say it in any other way. 

I went out in PJ's today to get my dinner since I had to get it myself. It wasn't much off an issue today. I wasn't faded out by the medication switch, but I'm certain as long as I have a cold, I can't do much in life either. I had my laundry folded by a care taker today. I could set myself to laundry and then someone folded it for me. I'm thankfull they did. My mind still works despite there always being this potential danger off driving it to the edge and going too far in it and going mad again. That's why I live here. Life isn't easy, but it's necessairy for me to have this. (It's nothing to be jealouse off, to be honest. It's a necessity) It's a day to praise healthcare. I would have been death if I had to live with this alone. I still have headaches and a feeling that causes uneasy feelings in my head today. But I'm alive. 

It's been probably a good thing after all to have quit my daycare job at the attelier since I'm seriously fighting it these days. It's too hard to work but I can still live and do allright in life. But I'm probably fake optimistic about it since it's more hard than what I'd like to share. It's not all sunshine and roses. Far from it. But I think I should be thankfull for healthcare services in this country. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.  

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