dinsdag 1 maart 2022

Good evening at the 1st off March, 2022.

 Good evening everyone, 

Today was gloomy, but this weekend and monday we had the brightest days in months and I loved sunbathing. Every morning after medication I was in the sun at de Boed's terrace with my morning coffee. Usually from about 9.00 untill 12.00. I. Love. Sunshine. when it doesn't burn me. 


I love the sun. Something sunny and cheerfull to share with you this evening, the weather forecast predicts more sun by the end off the week and as long as it's not scorching, I love it. 

(Here comes the sun - The Beatles) 


Aside from enjoying my morning coffee in the sunshine, I have little other to share with you except that medicine changing is going with ups and downs. One day I'm fine, the other day I feel terrible and it's never a constant state off mind. Switching medication is hard, but it's necessairy. I'm not changing to halidole, but to a new medication which hasn't been on the market for long but which shouldn't make me as fat as the one I'm brought off to. I have to take it easy. Sometimes the new meds bring me to a rush where I want to do all kinds off things and be buisy with shopping or doing something adventurous and fun during daytime, up untill evening where I feel exhausted. As far as that goes, I did my monday grocery shopping by myself this week. I walked quite an end to the nearest shop and got what I needed. I barely do that. Due to medication and disease I'm quite dependent on the grocery van but it's not the end off the tunnel. I will have to wait untill the medication is settled in completely and I will get enhighering from it this week to cover my mental disease completely. 

I shouldn't cheer too early but it's somewhat off a promise to wish to go shopping more and do things instead off just sitting on a chair and watch time tick away like most off the time these months. I have been doing that a lot the previous weeks. I have to watch my money by now and keep in mind I can't shop like there's no tomorrow since I'm not rich, but it was nevertless fun. I shouldn't get off the Gortershof terrain too much with new medication in my system. It's fun to gather stuff, though. I believe we can speak off mild 'Mania's' when I'm on such rushes. It's fun but like everything, it shouldn't be overdone. It's as if I have been opressing myself too much and everything is comming out now somehow. The rushes don't feel nice, however. It's nothing more than logic after two years off opressing ourselves due to Corona. I have to go easy on myself and not do stupid things, however. 

I hope things will work out well for me. 

Allright, that's about it. 

Thank you for reading.  


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