zondag 27 maart 2022

A video and a song I'd like to share today.

 Good evening everyone, 

This afternoon I'm about to share another Psych2go video to support mental awareness, and another cute, classic Dutch song which pops up in my head sometimes. 

This video is about a state off mental issue I'm in constantly. The survival mode. It doesn't seem like I'm going to get out off it soon. It's due to what I've been through the previous years and I could recognize so many things in this video in myself. It's probably one off the biggest mental issues off the 21st century, mental overload. It could be handy for my readers to see if they are in survival mode aswell. If so- seek the right help. 


This is the classic version off 'duivies, duivies.' A song about pigeons and I'm having it often in my head these months. It's cute, it's classic, it's worthit to know if you're Dutch as the author is a Dutch legend and I'm thinking off how to translate this song in English, sometimes words popping up in me to illustrate the matter. I love it. Small Annie M.G Schmidt songs are among my current favourites. I'll let you know when I came up with the perfect translation for it. Maybe I should take my time for it one evening behind my computer. Who knows. It's worthit listening anyway. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading, watching and listening. 

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