zondag 27 maart 2022

Good morning everyone at the 27th off March, 2022.

 Good morning everyone, 

I can't sleep again. It has been perfect weather today but forecasts tell it will be less weather today. Such a downer if you like to sunbathe, like me. 


I love the city off Amsterdam. Except for adventurous, multidiverse, highly cultural, a leading market and a worldcity on the global map to be proud off as our capital, it has done something great for the environment. 

You can expect things like that from Amsterdam. It's often an example on a worldscale off how things can be in the world. And this doughnut model to change how we handle the world around us to make it a better place ecologically and humane seen is just a perfect idea to wake up the world. And actually put thoughts into motion. If more capitals and other cities would do this, the world would have a fair chance off truly changing for the greater good.   


About me: 

I'm recovering. I've had this almost traunatic medicine change where I barely believed I was still alive for some days at the beginning and I'm still recovering from it, but I'm setting steps ahead in that proces. I feel better every day. I almost feel like taking up on baking again and provide my fellow clients and the neighbours a nice slice off cake again once I'm up on my feet again after this. I hope it will last and I hope it will keep me from insanity in the future. I'm not completely stable again, but I'm climbing up and it goes well so far. 

Allright, that's about it- 

Thank you for reading.   

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