zondag 3 december 2023

Good morning at the 3th off December, 2023.

 Good morning everyone, 

Today it's cold and freezing in the Netherlands. Yesterday it mildly frooze and it's sure weather for winter knits. It's also changing with cold rainshowers. Sinterklaas freezes off off his horse this weekend. 


It's early in the morning, nothing has happened so far, except for unwrapping box 3 on my advent calendar. So you think. 

I decided to lift the hall spirit down the empty and boring Gortershof flat building this december, by purchasing small holiday gift kits for the give away closet. For my doing, I did not make it expensive, but it's just a few fun gifts people would love to find in the give away closet. Just a nice gesture for the season. I believe most people would not get to that idea. I have four small gifts for them. All off them not above 5 euro's each, but that keeps it an acceptable idea. To put a small gift in every day lifts my spirit, too. It's small effort to hopefully truly lift the spirit off some cranky old fellow residents off this building.  Sometimes I feel some people can drink each others blood in here. Let alone donate Christmas gifts. It doesn't do good for the ambience. I should not interfere in that, it's lethal to try to bring such people togheter and in the end they declare you guilty. So that's not what I'm going to do. It's best to keep my nose out off their business. 

I'm simply going to share some Christmas joy this year to lift the ambience in this building. I have the posture for Santa, I have the resources to do so, and I'm naive enough to believe it will work. Hopefully it does work for the ambience, and the people who find it will feel a little more cheered. Hate is such poison. Now I just hope my actions will work out well, and do well for the holiday spirit in this ice cold, heartless building. Where they would like to drink their blood like Voldemort drunk a unicorn's blood in Harry Potter and the Philosopher's stone. Except that this doesn't extend their life span. 

People sometimes... 

Old people sometimes... 

But then there's Christmas, and I hope my Santa actions will help. 

Allright, that's about it for now- 

Thank you for reading.  

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