dinsdag 26 december 2023

Good afternoon at the 26th off December, 2023.

 Good afternoon everyone, 

It's cold and cloudy outside in the Netherlands. 


Mom got out off bed yesterday, and we all celebrated Christmas togheter so it was still fun to be here during the holidays. 

Today I will head back to my small home in Zaandijk, after dinner. 

I have good news for you, in two years more positive planetar constellations are in the air. The planets that seem to withold war and crisis are in a diffrent sign, and it seems more positive so far. This war and crisis won't last untill no extend, and it's good to hold on to that idea. There is a day after tomorrow for planet earth. But for now, we just have to sit out 2024. Which will be crisis. I'm certain off that. But it will fade off one day, and it won't be here forever. The cliché is when Uranus gets out off Taurus in 2025. Uranus also has been in Taurus during WWII. There are astrological rumors the war in Ukraine will end by then. It's a miracle if it happens before that point. If the economical crisis and the massive inflation will also truly end by then, I don't know. 

In my personal visions, I have seen 2028. Uranus will get to Gemini in 2025. I'm not certain wheter the Ukraine war will stop at the exact date off the transit. Something as brilliant as the bank crisis and Pluto in Capricorn on that exact day we are probably not likely to see again. I don't believe it, to be honest. That was just too brilliant for an astrological transit. But positivity is on it's way in two years. Pluto will transit to Aquarius in January 2024. And Neptune goes to Aries in 2025. Saturn will be permanent in Aries in 2026. 

But coming to think off it, I don't know if it's favorable to have a lot off planets in Aries with a war going on. Since Aries is also a sign off agression, temper and war. It can either be the ending off big negativity, but it can also come with it's own kind off trouble. That's how mankind works. Still, all the positive signs can mean there is finally a better time coming up in the air and the problems will truly stop. But don't be too optimistic and positive all at once. It promises something better, it looks as if there are better times waiting for mankind. And now for real. But I learned not to be too optimistic in astrology and weigh everything to it's own. Some people would believe Capricorn would lead to a better way off mankind handling resources on earth. But that has been a fable. Aquarius can lead to bigger awareness to the greater good, but Aquarius can also be very ignorant. And getting to know people who are an Aquarius, learns they are sensitive. They don't like to crack a joke often. They are easily offended. And I can't call them down to earth. But in a prissy way. Most off the time they seem to count on sheer, dumb luck to make things work. It's not well thought out usually. I can't use them during a war. To be honest. I hope it's prissy enough to make the war end ASAP. To be honest. 

For mankind, it's probably good. But they're a bit straight on sometimes. And they can be simple. Not sophisticated. Simple and a bit too easy. Usually they solve things the easy way. And the computer department? Only when they have money for it! Otherwise, they're cheap. And it's a sign that loves to whine and complain in an annoying way. It's a bit childish. They are social, probably better grounded in social habits than Leo, and they seem to care about the weak compared to the capricorn. But usually, it's not favorable to have them care for you when you do bad. The women are usually short and fat. They are modern off style, though. And the colours are often light. They don't want it 'dark and offensive.' But 'Light and positive.' So mind that in fashion. I don't expect peace all at once. I do expect a fashion change. I don't know a lot about Aquarius psychology. I have been calculating the Capricorn well, but that's because I understood how they think and work. Aquarius is uncommon ground for me. I know them only from a distance. But I had a Capricorn parent, and I'm an old soul. So to understand the rules off Pluto in Capricorn somewhat worked out for me, though it was hard. Aquarius I'm not familiair with. It's a bit wait and see. I'm it's opposite sign. (Leo) It can work out well, it can work out bad. The other generation signs, however, are going to be in my favor in two years. It could be good, for once for me. 

Allright, that's about it for now - 

Thank you for reading. 



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